Using autogenerated self-signed certificates

If you can't effo using your own wildcard certificate and still want to get GitLab quickly up for testing or smaller use cases, you can also use autogenerated self-signed certificates. In this recipe, we will explain using self-signed certificates, which can be useful in environments where Let's Encrypt is not an option, but SSL security is still needed:

  1. In cases where your domain is not reachable from the Let's Encrypt servers, you can provide an autogenerated self-signed wildcard certificate: 
$ helm upgrade --install gitlab gitlab/gitlab --namespace gitlab 
--timeout 600
--set global.edition=ce
--version 2.1.6
--set certmanager.install=false
--set global.ingress.configureCertmanager=false
--set gitlab-runner.install=false
  1. Retrieve the certificate, which can be imported into a web browser or system store later:
$ kubectl get secret gitlab-wildcard-tls-ca -n gitlab 
-ojsonpath='{.data.cfssl_ca}' | base64 --decode >
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