Deploying changes to a Kubernetes cluster on EKS

In this recipe, we will use Amazon EKS. Let's perform the following steps to get started:

  1. Create a new AWS IAM user specifically for CircleCI and take note of your new user's access key ID and secret access key.
  2. Create a repository named eks_orb_demo_app on the AWS Elastic Container Registry ECR. Take note of your ECR URL. It should look similar to
  3. Make sure you are signed in to Circle CI. Click on the Add Projects button, search for the demo-aws keyword, and click on the Set Up Project button next to it:

  1. Click on build. The build will fail since it is missing the environment variables to access your AWS account.
  1. Click on Project Settings. Go to the Environmental Variables page under Build Settings. Create the following four variables by clicking the Add Variable button:
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = [Enter your Access key ID here]
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = [Enter your Secret Access Key here]
AWS_ECR_URL = [Enter your ECR URL here]

The output of this can be seen in the following screenshot:

  1. Setting environmental variables will allow your pipeline to access AWS resources. After the cloud variables have been defined, click on the Build button to start the build.
  2. The build may fail if your AWS user does not have the required permissions; otherwise, this should be completed successfully in 35-40 mins.
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