Creating a MinIO S3 service

Let's perform the following steps to create the necessary resources to get a functional S3 service using MinIO:

  1. Deploy MinIO using the YAML manifest you created in the Creating a deployment YAML manifest recipe:
$ kubectl apply -f minio.yaml
As an alternative method, you can use the sample YAML file saved under the /src/chapter6/minio directory in the example repository using the $ kubectl apply -f minio/minio.yaml command.
  1. Verify StatefulSet. You should see 4 out of 4 replicas deployed, similar to the following output. Note that if you deployed as standalone, you will not have StatefulSets:
$ kubectl get statefulsets
minio 4/4 2m17s

Now, you have a MinIO application that's been deployed. In the next recipe, we will learn how to discover its external address to access the service. 

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