Installing the Sysdig agent

Sysdig Monitor is a tool for monitoring and troubleshooting applications available as part of the Sysdig Cloud Native Visibility and Security Platform. In this recipe, you will learn to deploy Sysdig Monitor and leverage Prometheus metrics:

  1. If you don't have your Sysdig Monitor access key ready, go to your Account Settings at and retrieve your access key:

  1. Install the Sysdig agent using the Helm chart after replacing YourAccessKey in the following command with your Sysdig Monitor access key from step 1. This command will install the Sysdig agent required for Sysdig Monitor and Sysdig Secure onto all your Kubernetes worker nodes in your cluster as a DaemonSet:
$ helm install --name sysdig-agent --set sysdig.accessKey=YourAccessKey,  sysdig.settings.tags='linux:ubuntu, dept:dev,local:ca' 
--set sysdig.settings.k8s_cluster_name='my_cluster' stable/sysdig
  1. Once the Sysdig agent is installed, the nodes will be detected by Sysdig Monitor. In this view, all the nodes should be detected. In our example, we have four nodes detected. Click on the Go to Next Step button to continue:

  1. Sysdig Monitor offers deep integration with AWS. If your Kubernetes cluster is deployed on AWS, optionally, you can enable the integration by entering your AWS Access Key ID and Secret here; otherwise, click on the Skip button to skip the AWS integration:

  1. Click on Let's Get Started to explore Sysdig Monitor:

Now you know how to deploy Sysdig Monitor and leverage Prometheus metrics.

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