Chapter 6. Versioning, Releases, and Rollouts

One of the main complaints of traditional monolithic applications is that over time they begin to grow too large and unwieldy to properly upgrade, version, or modify at the speed the business requires. Many can argue that this is one of the main critical factors that led to more Agile development practices and the advent of microservice architectures. Being able to quickly iterate on new code, solve new problems, or fix hidden problems before they become major issues, as well as the promise of zero-downtime upgrades, are all goals that development teams strive for in this ever-changing internet economy world. Practically, these issues can be solved with proper processes and procedures in place, no matter the type of system, but this usually comes at a much higher cost of both technology and human capital to maintain.

The adoption of containers as the runtime for application code allows for the isolation and composability that was helpful in designing systems that could get close, but still required a high level of human automation or system management to maintain at a dependable level over large system footprints. As the system grew, more brittleness was introduced, and systems engineers began to build complex automation processes to deliver on complex release, upgrade, and failure detection mechanisms. Service orchestrators such as Apache Mesos, HashiCorp Nomad, and even specialized container-based orchestrators such as Kubernetes and Docker Swarm evolved this into more primitive components to their runtime. Now, systems engineers can solve more complex system problems as the table stakes have been elevated to include the versioning, release, and deployment of applications into the system.


This section is not meant to be a primer on software versioning and the history behind it; there are countless articles and computer science course books on the subject. The main thing is to pick a pattern and stick with it. The majority of software companies and developers have agreed that some form of semantic versioning is the most useful, especially in a microservice architecture in which a team that writes a certain microservice will depend on the API compatibility of other microservices that make up the system.

For those new to semantic versioning, the basics are that it follows a three-part version number in a pattern of major version, minor version, and patch, usually expressed in a dot notation such as 1(major).2(minor).3(patch). The patch signifies an incremental release that includes a bug fix or very minor change that has no API changes. The minor version signifies updates that might have new API changes but is backward compatible with the previous version. This is a key attribute for developers working with other microservices they might not be involved in developing. Knowing that I have my service written to communicate with version 1.4.7 of another microservice that has been recently upgraded to 1.4.8 should signify that I might not need to change my code unless I want to take advantage of any new API features. The major version is a breaking change increment to the code. In most cases, the API is no longer compatible between major versions of the same code. There are many slight modifications to this process, including a “4” version to indicate the stage of the software in its development life cycle, such as for alpha code, and for release. The most important thing is that there is consistency across the system.


In truth, Kubernetes does not really have a release controller, so there is no native concept of a release. This is usually added to a Deployment metadata.labels specification and/or in the pod.spec.template.metadata.label specification. When to include either is very important, and based on how CD is used to update changes to deployments, it can have varied effects. When Helm for Kubernetes was introduced, one of its main concepts was the notion of a release to differentiate the running instance of the same Helm chart in a cluster. This concept is easily reproducible without Helm; however, Helm natively keeps track of releases and their history, so many CD tools integrate Helm into their pipelines to be the actual release service. Again, the key here is consistency in how versioning is used and where it is surfaced in the system state of the cluster.

Release names can be quite useful if there is institutional agreement as to the definition of certain names. Often labels such as stable or canary are used, which helps to also give some kind of operational control when tools such as service meshes are added to make fine-grained routing decisions. Large organizations that drive numerous changes for different audiences will also adopt a ring architecture that can also be denoted such as ring-0, ring-1, and so on.

This topic requires a little side trip into the specifics of labels in the Kubernetes declarative model. Labels themselves are very much free form and can be any key/value pair that follows the syntactical rules of the API. The key is not really the content but how each controller handles labels, changes to labels, and selector matching of labels. Jobs, Deployments, ReplicaSets, and DaemonSets support selector-based matching of pods via labels through direct mapping or set-based expressions. It is important to understand that label selectors are immutable after they are created, which means if you add a new selector and the pod’s labels have a corresponding match, a new ReplicaSet is made, not an upgrade to an existing ReplicaSet. This becomes very important to understand when dealing with rollouts, which we discuss next.


Prior to the Deployment controller being introduced in Kubernetes, the only mechanism that existed to control how applications were rolled out by the Kubernetes controller process was using the command-line interface (CLI) command kubectl rolling-update on the specific replicaController that was to be updated. This was very difficult for declarative CD models because this was not part of the state of the original manifest. One had to carefully ensure that manifests were updated correctly, versioned properly so as to not accidentally roll the system back, and archived when no longer needed. The Deployment controller added the ability to automate this update process using a specific strategy and then allowing the system to read the declarative new state based on changes to the spec.template of the deployment. This last fact is often misunderstood by early users of Kubernetes and causes frustration when they change a label in the Deployment metadata fields, reapply a manifest, and no update has been triggered. The Deployment controller is able to determine changes to the specification and will take action to update the Deployment based on a strategy that is defined by the specification. Kubernetes deployments support two strategies, rollingUpdate and recreate, the former being the default.

If a rolling update is specified, the deployment will create a new ReplicaSet to scale to the number of required replicas, and the old ReplicaSet will scale down to zero based on specific values for maxUnavailble and maxSurge. In essence, those two values will prevent Kubernetes from removing older pods until a sufficient number of newer pods have come online, and will not create new pods until a certain number of old pods have been removed. The nice thing is that the Deployment controller will keep a history of the updates, and through the CLI, you can roll back deployments to previous versions.

The recreate strategy is a valid strategy for certain workloads that can handle a complete outage of the pods in a ReplicaSet with little to no degradation of service. In this strategy the Deployment controller will create a new ReplicaSet with the new configuration and will delete the prior ReplicaSet before bringing the new pods online. Services that sit behind queue-based systems are an example of a service that could handle this type of disruption, because messages will queue while waiting for the new pods to come online, and message processing will resume as soon as the new pods come online.

Putting It All Together

Within a single service deployment, a few key areas are affected by versioning, release, and rollout management. Let’s examine an example deployment and then break down the specific areas of interest as they relate to best practices:

# Web Deployment
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: gb-web-deploy
    app: guest-book
    appver: 1.6.9
    environment: production
    release: guest-book-stable
    release number: 34e57f01
    type: rollingUpdate
      maxUnavailbale: 3
      maxSurge: 2
      app: gb-web
      ver: 1.5.8
      - {key: environment, operator: In, values: [production]}
        app: gb-web
        ver: 1.5.8
        environment: production
      - name: gb-web-cont
        image: evillgenius/gb-web:v1.5.5
        - name: GB_DB_HOST
          value: gb-mysql
        - name: GB_DB_PASSWORD
              name: mysql-pass
              key: password
            memory: "128Mi"
            cpu: "500m"
        - containerPort: 80
# DB Deployment
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: gb-mysql
    app: guest-book
    appver: 1.6.9
    environment: production
    release: guest-book-stable
    release number: 34e57f01
      app: gb-db
      tier: backend
    type: Recreate
        app: gb-db
        tier: backend
        ver: 1.5.9
        environment: production
      - image: mysql:5.6
        name: mysql
        - name: MYSQL_PASSWORD
              name: mysql-pass
              key: password
        - containerPort: 3306
          name: mysql
        - name: mysql-persistent-storage
          mountPath: /var/lib/mysql
      - name: mysql-persistent-storage
          claimName: mysql-pv-claim
# DB Backup Job
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: db-backup
    app: guest-book
    appver: 1.6.9
    environment: production
    release: guest-book-stable
    release number: 34e57f01
    "": pre-upgrade
    "": pre-delete
    "": pre-rollback
    "": hook-succeeded
        app: gb-db-backup
        tier: backend
        ver: 1.6.1
        environment: production
      - name: mysqldump
        image: evillgenius/mysqldump:v1
        - name: DB_NAME
          value: gbdb1
        - name: GB_DB_HOST
          value: gb-mysql
        - name: GB_DB_PASSWORD
              name: mysql-pass
              key: password
          - mountPath: /mysqldump
            name: mysqldump
        - name: mysqldump
            path: /home/bck/mysqldump
      restartPolicy: Never
  backoffLimit: 3

Upon first inspection, things might look a little off. How can a deployment have a version tag and the container image the deployment uses have a different version tag? What will happen if one changes and the other does not? What does release mean in this example, and what effect on the system will that have if it changes? If a certain label is changed, when will it trigger an update to my deployment? We can find the answers to these questions by looking at some of the best practices for versioning, releases, and rollouts.

Best Practices for Versioning, Releases, and Rollouts

Effective CI/CD and the ability to offer reduced or zero downtime deployments are both dependent on using consistent practices for versioning and release management. The best practices noted below can help to define consistent parameters that can assist DevOps teams in delivering smooth software deployments:

  • Use semantic versioning for the application in its entirety that differs from the version of the containers and the version of the pods deployment that make up the entire application. This allows for independent life cycles of the containers that make up the application and the application as a whole. This can become quite confusing at first, but if a principled hierarchical approach is taken to when one changes the other, you can easily track it. In the previous example, the container itself is currently on v1.5.5; however, the pod specification is a 1.5.8, which could mean that changes were made to the pod specification, such as new ConfigMaps, additional secrets, or updated replica values, but the specific container used has not changed its version. The application itself, the entire guestbook application and all of its services, is at 1.6.9, which could mean that operations made changes along the way that were beyond just this specific service, such as other services that make up the entire application.

  • Use a release and release version/number label in your deployment metadata to track releases from CI/CD pipelines. The release name and release number should coordinate with the actual release in the CI/CD tool records. This allows for traceability through the CI/CD process into the cluster and allows for easier rollback identification. In the previous example, the release number comes directly from the release ID of the CD pipeline that created the manifest.

  • If Helm is being used to package services for deployment into Kubernetes, take special care to bundle together those services that need to be rolled back or upgraded together into the same Helm chart. Helm allows for easy rollback of all components of the application to bring the state back to what it was before the upgrade. Because Helm actually processes the templates and all of the Helm directives before passing a flattened YAML configuration, the use of life cycle hooks allows for proper ordering of the application of specific templates. Operators can use proper Helm life cycle hooks to ensure that upgrades and rollback will happen correctly. The previous example for the Job specification uses Helm life cycle hooks to ensure that the template runs a backup of the database before a rollback, upgrade, or delete of the Helm release. It also ensures that the Job is deleted after the job is run successfully, which, until the TTL Controller comes out of alpha in Kubernetes, would require manual cleanup.

  • Agree on a release nomenclature that makes sense for the operational tempo of the organization. Simple stable, canary, and alpha states are quite adequate for most situations.


Kubernetes has allowed for more complex, Agile development processes to be adopted within companies large and small. The ability to automate much of the complex processes that would usually require large amounts of human and technical capital has now been democratized to allow for even startups to take advantage of this cloud pattern with relative ease. The true declarative nature of Kubernetes really shines when planning the proper use of labels and using native Kubernetes controller capabilities. By properly identifying operational and development states within the declarative properties of the applications deployed into Kubernetes, organizations can tie in tooling and automation to more easily manage the complex processes of upgrades, rollouts, and rollbacks of capabilities.

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