Chapter 2. Steps in Writing a Frontend

In this chapter, we will cover the following recipes:

  • Defining a TOY language
  • Implementing a lexer
  • Defining Abstract Syntax Tree
  • Implementing a parser
  • Parsing simple expressions
  • Parsing binary expressions
  • Invoking a driver for parsing
  • Running lexer and parser on our TOY language
  • Defining IR code generation methods for each AST class
  • Generating IR code for expressions
  • Generating IR code for functions
  • Adding IR optimization support


In this chapter, you will get to know about how to write a frontend for a language. By making use of a custom-defined TOY language, you will have recipes on how to write a lexer and a parser, and how to generate IR code from the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) generated by the frontend.

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