Writing an instruction selector

LLVM uses the SelectionDAG representation to represent the LLVM IR in a low-level data-dependence DAG for instruction selection. Various simplifications and target-specific optimizations can be applied to the SelectionDAG representation. This representation is target-independent. It is a significant, simple, and powerful representation used to implement IR lowering to target instructions.

How to do it…

The following code shows a brief skeleton of the SelectionDAG class, its data members, and various methods used to set/retrieve useful information from this class. The SelectionDAG class is defined as follows:

class SelectionDAG {
const TargetMachine &TM;
const TargetLowering &TLI;
const TargetSelectionDAGInfo &TSI;
MachineFunction *MF;
LLVMContext *Context;
CodeGenOpt::Level OptLevel;

SDNode EntryNode;
// Root - The root of the entire DAG.
SDValue Root;

// AllNodes - A linked list of nodes in the current DAG.
ilist<SDNode> AllNodes;

// NodeAllocatorType - The AllocatorType for allocating SDNodes. We use

typedef RecyclingAllocator<BumpPtrAllocator, SDNode, sizeof(LargestSDNode),

BumpPtrAllocator OperandAllocator;

BumpPtrAllocator Allocator;

SDNodeOrdering *Ordering;


struct DAGUpdateListener {

DAGUpdateListener *const Next;

SelectionDAG &DAG;

explicit DAGUpdateListener(SelectionDAG &D)
: Next(D.UpdateListeners), DAG(D) {
DAG.UpdateListeners = this;


friend struct DAGUpdateListener;

DAGUpdateListener *UpdateListeners;

void init(MachineFunction &mf);

// Function to set root node of SelectionDAG
const SDValue &setRoot(SDValue N) {
  assert((!N.getNode() || N.getValueType() == MVT::Other) &&
    "DAG root value is not a chain!");
  if (N.getNode())
  Root = N;
  if (N.getNode())
  return Root;

void Combine(CombineLevel Level, AliasAnalysis &AA,
CodeGenOpt::Level OptLevel);

SDValue getConstant(uint64_t Val, EVT VT, bool isTarget = false);

SDValue getConstantFP(double Val, EVT VT, bool isTarget = false);

SDValue getGlobalAddress(const GlobalValue *GV, DebugLoc DL, EVT VT, int64_t offset = 0, bool isTargetGA = false, 
unsigned char TargetFlags = 0);

SDValue getFrameIndex(int FI, EVT VT, bool isTarget = false);

SDValue getTargetIndex(int Index, EVT VT, int64_t Offset = 0,
unsigned char TargetFlags = 0);

// Function to return Basic Block corresponding to this MachineBasicBlock
SDValue getBasicBlock(MachineBasicBlock *MBB);

SDValue getBasicBlock(MachineBasicBlock *MBB, DebugLoc dl);

SDValue getExternalSymbol(const char *Sym, EVT VT);

SDValue getExternalSymbol(const char *Sym, DebugLoc dl, EVT VT);

SDValue getTargetExternalSymbol(const char *Sym, EVT VT,
unsigned char TargetFlags = 0);

// Return the type of the value this SelectionDAG node corresponds // to
SDValue getValueType(EVT);

SDValue getRegister(unsigned Reg, EVT VT);

SDValue getRegisterMask(const uint32_t *RegMask);

SDValue getEHLabel(DebugLoc dl, SDValue Root, MCSymbol *Label);

SDValue getBlockAddress(const BlockAddress *BA, EVT VT,
int64_t Offset = 0, bool isTarget = false,
unsigned char TargetFlags = 0);

SDValue getSExtOrTrunc(SDValue Op, DebugLoc DL, EVT VT);

SDValue getZExtOrTrunc(SDValue Op, DebugLoc DL, EVT VT);

SDValue getZeroExtendInReg(SDValue Op, DebugLoc DL, EVT SrcTy);

SDValue getNOT(DebugLoc DL, SDValue Val, EVT VT);

// Function to get SelectionDAG node.
SDValue getNode(unsigned Opcode, DebugLoc DL, EVT VT);

SDValue getNode(unsigned Opcode, DebugLoc DL, EVT VT, SDValue N);

SDValue getNode(unsigned Opcode, DebugLoc DL, EVT VT, SDValue N1, SDValue N2);

SDValue getNode(unsigned Opcode, DebugLoc DL, EVT VT,
SDValue N1, SDValue N2, SDValue N3);

SDValue getMemcpy(SDValue Chain, DebugLoc dl, SDValue Dst, SDValue Src,SDValue Size, unsigned Align, bool isVol, bool AlwaysInline,
MachinePointerInfo DstPtrInfo,MachinePointerInfo SrcPtrInfo);

SDValue getAtomic(unsigned Opcode, DebugLoc dl, EVT MemVT, SDValue Chain,
SDValue Ptr, SDValue Cmp, SDValue Swp,
MachinePointerInfo PtrInfo, unsigned Alignment,
AtomicOrdering Ordering,
SynchronizationScope SynchScope);

SDNode *UpdateNodeOperands(SDNode *N, SDValue Op);

SDNode *UpdateNodeOperands(SDNode *N, SDValue Op1, SDValue Op2);

SDNode *UpdateNodeOperands(SDNode *N, SDValue Op1, SDValue Op2,
SDValue Op3);

SDNode *SelectNodeTo(SDNode *N, unsigned TargetOpc, EVT VT);

SDNode *SelectNodeTo(SDNode *N, unsigned TargetOpc, EVT VT, SDValue Op1);

SDNode *SelectNodeTo(SDNode *N, unsigned TargetOpc, EVT VT,
SDValue Op1, SDValue Op2);

MachineSDNode *getMachineNode(unsigned Opcode, DebugLoc dl, EVT VT);
MachineSDNode *getMachineNode(unsigned Opcode, DebugLoc dl, EVT VT,
SDValue Op1);

MachineSDNode *getMachineNode(unsigned Opcode, DebugLoc dl, EVT VT,
SDValue Op1, SDValue Op2);

void ReplaceAllUsesWith(SDValue From, SDValue Op);

void ReplaceAllUsesWith(SDNode *From, SDNode *To);

void ReplaceAllUsesWith(SDNode *From, const SDValue *To);

bool isBaseWithConstantOffset(SDValue Op) const;

bool isKnownNeverNaN(SDValue Op) const;

bool isKnownNeverZero(SDValue Op) const;

bool isEqualTo(SDValue A, SDValue B) const;

SDValue UnrollVectorOp(SDNode *N, unsigned ResNE = 0);

bool isConsecutiveLoad(LoadSDNode *LD, LoadSDNode *Base,

unsigned Bytes, int Dist) const;

unsigned InferPtrAlignment(SDValue Ptr) const;


bool RemoveNodeFromCSEMaps(SDNode *N);

void AddModifiedNodeToCSEMaps(SDNode *N);

SDNode *FindModifiedNodeSlot(SDNode *N, SDValue Op, void *&InsertPos);

SDNode *FindModifiedNodeSlot(SDNode *N, SDValue Op1, SDValue Op2,
void *&InsertPos);

SDNode *FindModifiedNodeSlot(SDNode *N, const SDValue *Ops, unsigned NumOps,void *&InsertPos);

SDNode *UpdadeDebugLocOnMergedSDNode(SDNode *N, DebugLoc loc);

void DeleteNodeNotInCSEMaps(SDNode *N);

void DeallocateNode(SDNode *N);

unsigned getEVTAlignment(EVT MemoryVT) const;

void allnodes_clear();

std::vector<SDVTList> VTList;

std::vector<CondCodeSDNode*> CondCodeNodes;

std::vector<SDNode*> ValueTypeNodes;

std::map<EVT, SDNode*, EVT::compareRawBits> ExtendedValueTypeNodes;

StringMap<SDNode*> ExternalSymbols;

std::map<std::pair<std::string, unsigned char>,SDNode*> TargetExternalSymbols;

How it works…

From the preceding code, it can be seen that the SelectionDAG class provides lots of target-independent methods to create SDNode of various kinds, and retrieves/computes useful information from the nodes in the SelectionDAG graph. There are also update and replace methods provided in the SelectionDAG class. Most of these methods are defined in the SelectionDAG.cpp file. Note that the SelectionDAG graph and its node type, SDNode, are designed in a way that is capable of storing both target-independent and target-specific information. For example, the isTargetOpcode() and isMachineOpcode() methods in the SDNode class can be used to determine whether an opcode is a target opcode or a machine opcode (target-independent). This is because the same class type, NodeType, is used to represent both the opcode of a real target and the opcode of a machine instruction, but with separate ranges.

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