Allocating registers

Register allocation is the task of assigning physical registers to virtual registers. Virtual registers can be infinite, but the physical registers for a machine are limited. So, register allocation is aimed at maximizing the number of physical registers getting assigned to virtual registers. In this recipe, we will see how registers are represented in LLVM, how can we tinker with the register information, the steps taking place, and built-in register allocators.

Getting ready

You need to build and install LLVM.

How to do it…

  1. To see how registers are represented in LLVM, open the build-folder/lib/Target/X86/ file and check out the first few lines, which show that registers are represented as integers:
    namespace X86 {
    enum {
      AH = 1,
      AL = 2,
      AX = 3,
      BH = 4,
      BL = 5,
      BP = 6,
      BPL = 7,
      BX = 8,
      CH = 9,
  2. For architectures that have registers that share the same physical location, check out the file of that architecture for alias information. Let's check out the lib/Target/X86/ file. By looking at the following code snippet, we see how the EAX, AX, and AL registers are aliased (we only specify the smallest register alias):
    def AL : X86Reg<"al", 0>;
    def DL : X86Reg<"dl", 2>;
    def CL : X86Reg<"cl", 1>;
    def BL : X86Reg<"bl", 3>;
    def AH : X86Reg<"ah", 4>;
    def DH : X86Reg<"dh", 6>;
    def CH : X86Reg<"ch", 5>;
    def BH : X86Reg<"bh", 7>;
    def AX : X86Reg<"ax", 0, [AL,AH]>;
    def DX : X86Reg<"dx", 2, [DL,DH]>;
    def CX : X86Reg<"cx", 1, [CL,CH]>;
    def BX : X86Reg<"bx", 3, [BL,BH]>;
    // 32-bit registers
    let SubRegIndices = [sub_16bit] in {
    def EAX : X86Reg<"eax", 0, [AX]>, DwarfRegNum<[-2, 0, 0]>;
    def EDX : X86Reg<"edx", 2, [DX]>, DwarfRegNum<[-2, 2, 2]>;
    def ECX : X86Reg<"ecx", 1, [CX]>, DwarfRegNum<[-2, 1, 1]>;
    def EBX : X86Reg<"ebx", 3, [BX]>, DwarfRegNum<[-2, 3, 3]>;
    def ESI : X86Reg<"esi", 6, [SI]>, DwarfRegNum<[-2, 6, 6]>;
    def EDI : X86Reg<"edi", 7, [DI]>, DwarfRegNum<[-2, 7, 7]>;
    def EBP : X86Reg<"ebp", 5, [BP]>, DwarfRegNum<[-2, 4, 5]>;
    def ESP : X86Reg<"esp", 4, [SP]>, DwarfRegNum<[-2, 5, 4]>;
    def EIP : X86Reg<"eip", 0, [IP]>, DwarfRegNum<[-2, 8, 8]>;
  3. To change the number of physical registers available, go to the file and manually comment out some of the registers, which are the last parameters of the RegisterClass. Open the X86RegisterInfo.cpp file and remove the registers AH, CH, and DH:
    def GR8 : RegisterClass<"X86", [i8],  8,
                            (add AL, CL, DL, AH, CH, DH, BL, BH, SIL, DIL, BPL, SPL,
                                 R8B, R9B, R10B, R11B, R14B, R15B, R12B, R13B)> {
  4. When you build LLVM, the .inc file in the first step will have been changed and will not contain the AH, CH, and DH registers.
  5. Use the test case from the previous recipe, Analyzing live intervals, in which we performed live interval analysis, and run the register allocation techniques provided by LLVM, namely fast, basic, greedy, and pbqp. Let's run two of them here and compare the results:
    $ llc –regalloc=basic interval.ll –o intervalregbasic.s

    Next, create the intervalregbasic.s file as shown:

    $ cat intervalregbasic.s
      .file  "interval.ll"
      .globl  donothing
      .align  16, 0x90
      .type  donothing,@function
    donothing:                              # @donothing
    # BB#0:
      movl  %edi, -4(%rsp)
      .size  donothing, .Lfunc_end0-donothing
      .globl  func
      .align  16, 0x90
      .type  func,@function
    func:                                   # @func
    # BB#0:
      subq  $24, %rsp
      movl  %edi, 20(%rsp)
      movl  $5, 16(%rsp)
      movl  $5, %edi
      callq  donothing
      movl  16(%rsp), %edi
      movl  %edi, 12(%rsp)
      callq  donothing
      movl  $9, 16(%rsp)
      cmpl  $4, 20(%rsp)
      jg  .LBB1_2
    # BB#1:
      movl  $3, 8(%rsp)
      movl  $3, %edi
      callq  donothing
      movl  8(%rsp), %edi
      movl  %edi, 4(%rsp)
      jmp  .LBB1_3
      movl  16(%rsp), %edi
      movl  %edi, (%rsp)
      callq  donothing
      movl  12(%rsp), %eax
      addq  $24, %rsp
      .size  func, .Lfunc_end1-func

    Next, run the following command to compare the two files:

    $ llc –regalloc=pbqp interval.ll –o intervalregpbqp.s

    Create the intervalregbqp.s file:

    $cat intervalregpbqp.s
      .file  "interval.ll"
      .globl  donothing
      .align  16, 0x90
      .type  donothing,@function
    donothing:                              # @donothing
    # BB#0:
      movl  %edi, %eax
      movl  %eax, -4(%rsp)
      .size  donothing, .Lfunc_end0-donothing
      .globl  func
      .align  16, 0x90
      .type  func,@function
    func:                                   # @func
    # BB#0:
      subq  $24, %rsp
      movl  %edi, %eax
      movl  %eax, 20(%rsp)
      movl  $5, 16(%rsp)
      movl  $5, %edi
      callq  donothing
      movl  16(%rsp), %eax
      movl  %eax, 12(%rsp)
      movl  %eax, %edi
      callq  donothing
      movl  $9, 16(%rsp)
      cmpl  $4, 20(%rsp)
      jg  .LBB1_2
    # BB#1:
      movl  $3, 8(%rsp)
      movl  $3, %edi
      callq  donothing
      movl  8(%rsp), %eax
      movl  %eax, 4(%rsp)
      jmp  .LBB1_3
      movl  16(%rsp), %eax
      movl  %eax, (%rsp)
      movl  %eax, %edi
      callq  donothing
      movl  12(%rsp), %eax
      addq  $24, %rsp
      .size  func, .Lfunc_end1-func
  6. Now, use a diff tool and compare the two assemblies side by side.

How it works…

The mapping of virtual registers on physical registers can be done in two ways:

  • Direct Mapping: By making use of the TargetRegisterInfo and MachineOperand classes. This depends on the developer, who needs to provide the location where load and store instructions should be inserted in order to get and store values in the memory.
  • Indirect Mapping: This depends on the VirtRegMap class to insert loads and stores, and to get and set values from the memory. Use the VirtRegMap::assignVirt2Phys(vreg, preg) function to map a virtual register on a physical one.

Another important role that the register allocator plays is in SSA form deconstruction. As traditional instruction sets do not support the phi instruction, we must replace it with other instructions to generate the machine code. The traditional way was to replace the phi instruction with the copy instruction.

After this stage, we do the actual mapping on the physical registers. We have four implementations of register allocation in LLVM, which have their algorithms for mapping the virtual registers on the physical registers. It is not possible to cover in detail any of those algorithms here. If you want to try and understand them, refer to the next section.

See also

  • To learn more about the algorithms used in LLVM, look through the source codes located at lib/CodeGen/:
    • lib/CodeGen/RegAllocBasic.cpp
    • lib/CodeGen/ RegAllocFast.cpp
    • lib/CodeGen/ RegAllocGreedy.cpp
    • lib/CodeGen/ RegAllocPBQP.cpp
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