Further reading and resources

Chapter 1





Baker, J. H. An Introduction to English Legal History, 4th edn (2002) Oxford University Press.

Cross, R. and Harris, J.W. Precedent in English Law, 4th edn (1991) Oxford University Press.

Endicott, T. ‘Law and Language’, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Fall 2010 edn, Edward N. Zalta (ed.) (2010) Stanford University.

Hart, H.L.A. The Concept of Law (1961) Oxford University Press.

Hart, H.L.A. ‘Definition and Theory in Jurisprudence’, The Law Quarterly Review 70 (1954).

Irvine of Lairg (Derry). ‘The Law: An engine for trade’, The Modern Law Review 64: 333–349 (2001).

Kelly, J.M. A Short History of Western Legal Theory (1992) Oxford University Press.

McLuhan, M. and Fiore, Q. The Medium is the Massage (1967) Penguin Book s.

Marmor, A. The Pragmatics of Legal Language, Draft Legal Studies Research Paper No. 08–11 (2008) University of Southern California Law School.

Slapper, G. and Kelly, D. The English Legal System, 2015–2016 edn (2015) Routledge.

Williams, G. ‘Language and the Law’, The Law Quarterly Review 61/62 (1945/1946).

Chapter 2

Baatz, N. Construing Construction Contracts: Principles, policies and practice, Society of Construction Law paper 165 (2010).

Bowling, J. ‘It started out so well …’ Construction Contracts and Letters of Intent, Society of Construction Law paper D116 (2010).

Furmston, M. and Tolhurst, G.J. Contract Formation, 2nd edn (2016) Oxford University Press.

O’Farrell, F. Professional Negligence in the Construction Field, Society of Construction Law paper 157 (2009).

Peel, E. Treitel on The Law of Contract, 14th edn (2015) Sweet & Maxwell.

Phillips, R. A Guide to Letter Contracts, 3rd edn (2012) RIBA Publishing.

Rogers, W.V.H. Winfield & Jolowicz on Tort, 19th edn (2014) Sweet & Maxwell.

Wevill, J.T. The Protection of Expectations When Work is Performed Under a Letter of Intent (2003) MSc thesis, King’s College London.

Chapter 3

Anderson, M. and Warner, V. Execution of Documents, 3rd edn (2015) The Law Society.

Blackler, T. and Wevill, J.T. ‘Principles: Appointments’, RIBA Journal 108(6) (2001).

McKendrick, E. Goode on Commercial Law, 5th edn (2017) Penguin Books.

RIBA. A Client’s Guide to Engaging an Architect: Guidance on hiring an architect for your project (2016) RIBA Publishing.

Chapter 4

Barry, D. and other contributors. Blackstone’s Guide to the Consumer Rights Act 2015 (2016) Oxford University Press.

The Complaining Cow. A Guide to the Consumer Rights Act 2015 (1 September 2015).

Ostime, N. and Stanford, D. Architect’s Handbook of Practice Management, 9th edn (2013) RIBA Publishing.

Phillips, R. Good Practice Guide: Fee Management, 2nd edn (2012) RIBA Publishing.

Chapter 5

The British Council for Offices. Good Practice in the Selection of Construction Materials 2011 (2011) BCO.

Bailey, J. Construction Law, 2nd edn (2016) Informa.

Bainbridge, D. Intellectual Property, 10th edn (2018) Pearson.

Blackler, T. and Wevill, J.T. ‘Principles: Copyright’, RIBA Journal, 108(5) (2001).

Choat, R. ‘You Asked Me for a Contribution: Are net contribution clauses fair?’, Building Magazine (1 May 2009).

Construction Industry Council. Indemnities in Consultants’ Appointments, CIC Liability Briefing (2009) CIC.

Devlin of West Wick (Patrick). The Judge (1979) Oxford University Press.

Gelder, J. Ban the Ban: Materials blacklists (November 2005) The National Building Specification.

Mavers, L.A. Timeless Melody (1990) Go! Discs Music Ltd.

Redmond, J. ‘“Valid” Doesn’t Mean “True”: Withholding payment’, Building Magazine (4 September 2009).

Chapter 6

Construction Industry Council. Novation of Consultants’ Appointments on Design and Build, CIC Liability Briefing (2008) CIC.

Furst, S. and Ramsey, V. Keating on Construction Contracts, 10th edn (2016) Sweet & Maxwell.

Metham, M. It’s Not Our Liability: We Novated the Contract! (2009) Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP.

RIBA Insurance Agency. Guide to Reviewing Contract Documentation (April 2015) RIBA Publishing.

Uff, J. Construction Law, 12th edn (2017) Sweet & Maxwell.

Chapter 7

Arcade Fire. Sprawl II (2012) Merge Records.

Bickford-Smith, S. and Sydenham, C. Party Walls: Law and Practice, 3rd edn (2009) Jordans.

Collins, J. and Moren, P. Good Practice Guide: Negotiating the Planning Maze, 2nd edn (2009) RIBA Publishing.

Evans, H. Guide to the Building Regulations, 3rd edn (2015) NBS.

Jamieson, N. Good Practice Guide: Inspecting Works (2009) RIBA Publishing.

Klimt, M. ‘Legalese: Project managers can help projects finish on time, but clients shouldn’t pay for the same service twice’, Architects’ Journal (10 November 2011).

Ostime, N. RIBA Job Book, 9th edn (2013) RIBA Publishing.

Sinclair, D. Assembling a Collaborative Project Team (2013) RIBA Publishing.

Sinclair, D. Leading the Team: An architect’s guide to design management (2011) RIBA Publishing.

Wevill, J.T. Removing Barriers to Development, Estates Gazette (20 January 2018).

Wevill, J.T. and Lowe, C.A.J. ‘Middle Ground: The practicalities of demolishing and redeveloping a mid-terrace property’, PrimeResi (21 September 2017).

Chapter 8

Birkby, G., Ponte, A. and Alderson, F. Good Practice Guide: Extensions of Time (2008) RIBA Publishing.

Chappell, D. Construction Contracts: Questions & Answers, 3rd edn (2015) Routledge.

Lavers, A. Early Termination by Client in Event of Contractor’s Non-Performance, Society of Construction Law paper 166 (2011).

Lutz, JC (Director X) Work From Home (2016) Vevo.

PLC Construction. Ask the Team: How do I terminate a JCT contract? (2010) Practical Law Company.

Chapter 9

Construction Industry Council. Asbestos-related Claims and Professional Indemnity Insurance, CIC Liability Briefing (2008) CIC.

Construction Industry Council. Professional Indemnity Insurance for Construction Consultants, CIC Liability Briefing (2008) CIC.

Construction Industry Council. The Implications of Consultants Appointing Subconsultants, CIC Liability Briefing (2009) CIC.

Luder, O. Good Practice Guide: Keeping Out of Trouble (2012) RIBA Publishing.

Merkin, R. Colinvaux and Merkin’s Insurance Contract Law (2018) Sweet & Maxwell.

O’Sullivan, S. ‘Claims Perfection’, New Law Journal (24 September 2010).

O’Sullivan, S. ‘Playing the market’, New Law Journal (17 September 2010).

RIBA Insurance Agency, Guide to Understanding Risk Management (April 2015) RIBA Publishing.

Chapter 10

Binmore, K. Game Theory: A very short introduction (2007) Oxford University Press.

Coombes Davies, M. Good Practice Guide: Adjudication (2011) RIBA Publishing.

Coombes Davies, M. Good Practice Guide: Arbitration (2011) RIBA Publishing.

Grossman, A. Good Practice Guide: Mediation (2009) RIBA Publishing.

Gwilliam, R. Open Season for Ambush? How ‘Disputes’ Have Changed, Society of Construction Law paper D110 (2010).

Neuberger of Abbotsbury MR (David). Equity, ADR, Arbitration and the Law: Different dimensions of justice, The Fourth Keating Lecture, Lincoln’s Inn (2010).

RIBA. It’s useful to know … Guidance to help understand the architect’s role in a building project and what happens if things get difficult (June 2015) RIBA Publishing.

McCartney, P. and Dain, A. ‘Is construction mediation changing?’, Construction Law Journal 26(7) (2010).

Pickavance, J. ‘Keeping a lid on costs’, Construction Law (August/ September 2009).

Reynolds, M. ‘Crossing the Rubicon’, Construction Law Journal 26(2) (2010).

Richbell, D. Mediation is the Only Way to Justice, Society of Construction Law paper D114 (2010).

Roeg, N. and Cammell, D. Performance (1968) Warner Bros.

Tackaberry, J. Flexing the Knotted Oak: English arbitration’s task and opportunity in the first decade of the new century (2002) Society of Construction Law.

Uff, J. How Final Should Dispute Resolution Be?, Society of Construction Law paper 164 (2010).

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