
The letters t and f following page numbers denote tables and figures, respectively.

  • cancer, 68–69
  • World Without Disease initiative on, 119–120, 137
  • Center for Creative Leadership (CCL), 153
  • Chadwick, Chris, 156, 158–159
  • Chaffee, Roger, 188
  • charities, 200–207
  • chief executive officers (CEOs)
  • boards of directors vs., 157–159
  • compensation and incentives for, 30–31
  • as curator of organization’s culture, 179
  • leadership communications by, 165
  • succession of, 167–170
  • children, 200–201
  • Christensen, Clayton, 5
  • on capitalist’s dilemma, 30
  • on higher education, 199
  • on innovators’ dilemma, 27–29, 43
  • on “innovator’s DNA,” 173
  • jobs to be done theory by, 62–63
  • churches, 200–207
  • Churchill, Winston, 3
  • climate change, 190–191
  • Clooney, George, 136
  • cognitive biases, 26–27
  • colleges and universities, 198–200
  • Collins, Jim, 154, 165
  • colorectal cancer, 68–69, 120, 137
  • competition, 193–194
  • competitors, in business model, 51
  • confirmation bias, 26
  • Cook, Scott, 31, 34, 169, 174
  • Cook, Tim, 43–44
  • core (of organizations), 94, 95, 104, 105, 106, 108, 110
  • core projects
  • funding for, 125
  • in innovation and investment portfolios, 111–112, 113t
  • new businesses kept separate from, 134
  • Crimmins, Terry, 155
  • Cruz, Ferdz Dela, 179
  • customers
  • in archetypes of future, 89–92
  • emerging need of, 80
  • goals of, 62
  • of health care, 96–97
  • of health insurance industry, 50
  • market research on need of, 60
  • CVS Health, 51
  • finance and accounting, 59–60
  • Ford, Henry, 45
  • Ford, Henry, II, 24
  • Friedlander, Frank, 58
  • funding for core projects, 125
  • future-back process, 71f, 72
  • developing vision for, 76f
  • envisioning future state of business in, 94–99
  • identifying implications of future in, 88–94
  • paint picture of future environment, 77–88
  • future-back reviews, 156–157
  • future-back thinking, 8–12
  • Apple’s use of, 39–40
  • applied to business processes, 59–64
  • attributes of, 47f
  • attributes of leaders using, 55
  • boards of directors enabling of, 157–160
  • business theory of, 49–54
  • discovery/-driven planning in, 61
  • in government, 192–194
  • for individuals, 204–206
  • leadership framework in, 149, 149f
  • learning in, 54–57
  • learning loop for, 56f
  • present-forward approach vs., 23, 44–45
  • present-forward thinking as opposite of, 17
  • in religious institutions, 201, 202
  • roadblocks to, 28f
  • systemic, 45–49
  • future-back vision and strategy development, 61–64
  • Future Combat Systems, 191–194, 196
  • future state portfolio, 102, 103–105f, 104–109
  • milestones development and, 109–111
  • working with innovation and investment portfolios, 114–115
  • Kahneman, Daniel, 26
  • Kamen, Dean, 25
  • Kennedy, John F., 24, 68, 187
  • Keynes, John Maynard, 207
  • Kierkegaard, Søren, 18
  • Klarman, Seth, 215
  • Knights of the Round Table, 152
  • “know-it-alls,” 54
  • Lafley, A. G., 122
  • on communicating vision, 165
  • on divesting of programs, 114
  • Innovation and Technology Committee created by, 167–168
  • leadership and strategy development program of, 172
  • observation by, 173–174
  • on risks in innovations, 29–30
  • Lakein, Alan, 100
  • leaders and leadership
  • attributes of, 55
  • continuity of vision by, 165–166
  • executive development programs for, 171–172
  • formalization of roles and responsibilities of, 121–125
  • frameworks for, 148–153, 149f
  • as learners, 54–57
  • screening of, 173–175
  • as stewardship, 216
  • strategic dialogues used by, 57–59
  • leadership teams
  • boards of directors and, 157–159
  • lining up members of, 153–157
  • long-term growth driven by, 160
  • within organizational structure, 151–153
  • Lean Management, 49
  • Lean Startup movement, 131
  • learning
  • in organizational culture, 178–181
  • in organizations, 175–178
  • learning loop, 56f, 175
  • strategic dialogues in, 57–59
  • “learn-it-alls,” 54, 175
  • Learning Organization, 175, 177, 195
  • Leavitt, Mike, 154
  • Levitt, Ted, 62
  • Lincoln Highway, 193
  • long-term planning, 32–36
  • long-term planning horizon, 9, 33f
  • scale for, 29
  • long-term strategy, future state portfolio in, 104–109
  • loss aversion, 26
  • lung cancer, 119–120, 137
  • Lung Cancer Initiative (World Without Disease initiative), 137–138
  • MacMillan, Ian, 60–61
  • Maintain the Status Quo archetype, 91f
  • Major Opportunities Ahead archetype, 91f
  • Major Threats on the Horizon archetype, 90f
  • Mandela, Nelson, 3
  • Manhattan Project, 192, 194
  • Manso, Gustavo, 177
  • marketing, future-back thinking applied to, 60
  • market research, 60
  • Martin, Roger, 30, 44
  • master plan, 125
  • McGrath, Rita, 60–61, 131
  • McMillian, Ian, 131
  • McNamara, Robert, 24–25
  • meetings, formats for, 87
  • Microsoft, 165
  • corporate culture of, 54
  • milestones development, 109–111, 110f
  • military, US, 191–198
  • Navy, 163–164
  • MilliporeSigma, 151
  • Moderate Threats Emerge archetype, 90f
  • moon, 188, 191, 192
  • moonshot, 44, 187–188, 189, 194
  • Morgan, J. P., 48
  • Morita, Akio, 165
  • MRAP (mine-resistant ambush protected) program, 196
  • Musk, Elon, 25
  • questioning (in developing leadership), 173–174
  • Quickbooks (software), 174
  • talent management system, 126
  • Tencent, 182
  • Tersigni, Anthony, 96
  • Tesla, 25
  • Thompson, Derek, 213
  • 3D printing, 146–147
  • time horizons, 77–82
  • for Amazon, 209–210
  • timeline for new growth platform, 133f
  • Total Quality Management, 49
  • transformation management office (TMO), 123, 124
  • transformative innovations, failure modes for, 7
  • transition phase, 134
  • Trilogy Education (for-profit enterprise), 199
  • Trotter, Alasdair, 182
  • Tushman, Michael, 150
  • Tversky, Amos, 26
  • Tylenol scandal, 205–206
  • tyranny of the urgent, 31–32
  • Uber, 63
  • United States government
  • future-back thinking in, 188–191
  • military of, 191–198
  • urban areas, transit in, 86
  • Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 45
  • Verne, Jules, 19
  • Vietnam War, 24–25
  • view of world statements, 85–88
  • for automotive industry, 86
  • vision
  • continuity of, 164–167
  • converting to strategy, 103–104f
  • developing, for future-back process, 76f
  • of future, 212
  • Janssen’s, 98–99
  • in organization’s mission, 181
  • of religious organizations, 201
  • shared, 183
  • strategy vs., 52–53
  • visionaries, 3–4, 52
  • vision statements, 13, 51, 99,
  • Wace, Robert, 152
  • Washington, George, 189
  • Weeks, Wendell, 6, 60
  • Welch, Jack, 48–49
  • Whitcomb, R. Steven, 195
  • White, Ed, 188
  • Wiegand, Ben, 119–120, 126, 127, 137
  • World Without Disease initiative, 165
  • Accelerate Enterprise Leadership program and, 171–172
  • Hait’s idea of, 93–94
  • implementation of, 119–120
  • Janssen’s vision for, 98
  • Lung Cancer Initiative of, 137
  • Wozniak, Steve, 40
  • Wynett, Craig, 162
  • Xiameter (Dow Corning), 126
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