Acknowledgments for the Second Edition

Since the publication of the first edition of Leading at The Edge, two new crewmembers have been added to the book team. I would like to thank the extraordinary Jillian Murphy for her many contributions over the past three years. In addition to her invaluable support with clients, Jillian generated numerous suggestions and conducted research on new business cases for the updated edition. Jillian was particularly helpful in crafting “Resolving Conflicts: Lessons from the Martial Arts” (gamely participating in martial arts exercises). She also wordsmithed new passages to ensure they flowed with the existing text. As our Chief of Staff, Jillian is a critical member of our expedition.

Our newest addition to the team, the amazing Laura Gardner, was responsible for crafting the prose for new passages, and for developing the worksheets for the Moose Round-Up, all while keeping one steady hand on the office management helm (through the literal and metaphorical headwinds of Hurricane Irene!). In addition, Laura valiantly took on the task of securing necessary permissions, and she helped the team overcome writer’s block by kicking us out of the office to go for walks.

When writing the acknowledgments for the first edition of Leading at The Edge, I noted that Christina Parisi (then McLaughlin) managed the complex production and editorial processes with laughter and competence. I have the good fortune of being able to use precisely the same words today. Christina’s exceptional competence, and her delightful sense of humor, turn the hard work of writing a book into a pleasant experience. And when the time came to find a publisher for our new book (previewed at the end of this volume), there was really no decision involved. There is no one I would rather work with than Christina, and no publisher other than AMACOM.

Much of what I know about leadership I learned in the United States Marine Corps. I appreciate the leadership and teamwork demonstrated by Marines in the Third Battalion, Fifth Marine Regiment—the “Dark Horse” Battalion—whose distinguished combat record continues to this day. I am especially honored to recognize the Marines I fought with in Vietnam, and whose courage under fire enabled me to make it home to share my insights about leadership: Jerry Czarnowski, who—along with Napoleon—is one of the most renowned corporals in history; Bill Glee-son, who turned his back on safety and came back to fight; George “Hap” Hazzard, who keeps the memory of our fallen comrades alive; and Jim Kirschke, who demonstrated as much bravery after Vietnam as he did in combat. I continue to learn lessons about leadership from the Marines, and I appreciate General Rich Natonski’s Strategy #11: “Plan and prepare, but be flexible when things change.” Semper Gumby!

I have learned much from working with other exceptional leaders. Carl Allegretti showed me that you can be an inspiring leader while always remembering that family comes first. Brian Derksen and Katy Hollister taught me how to wade into tough issues with different but equally effective styles. Joe Echevarria’s words, “somos quatro gatos,” have helped in situations where there’s no one but “us four cats” to accomplish the mission. And Byron Spruell showed me, in no uncertain terms, how to play like a champion.

It’s also important to recognize the contributions made by our Expedition Leaders: colleagues who are certified to present our Leadership at The Edge® programs. These members of our extended team are located throughout the world, and they have continued to provide us with innovative ideas for teaching leadership in a wide range of cultures. We appreciate the work of Dave Ellis in Atlanta; Martha Miller in Washington, D.C.; Ron Jungalwalla and Mike Boyle in Melbourne, Australia; Hazel Rosin in Toronto; Piotr Wisoky in Wielkopolskie, Poland; and all of our colleagues in Seoul at the Korea Syncretics Leadership Center.

A number of other friends and colleagues provided critical help on the second expedition. I extend my sincere thanks to Deb Abildsoe, John Ball, Christine Banti, Marna Borgstrom, Jennifer Chobor, Dana Diamond, Andy Errato, Neftaly Fernandez, Joshua Hasbani, Reggie Higgins, Ted Hoff, Michele Johnson, Carol Just, Mike Kennedy, Su Lim, Erroin Martin, Dennis Mette, John Michalak, Camille Murphy, Ryan O’Malley, Michael Rubenstein, Matt Schenkman, Barry Schlosser, Jim Schmaltz, Edgar Smith, Carl Swope, Mike Useem, Jesse Villanueva, Howard and Rosy Whelan, Carole Lyn Woodring, and David Young.

Finally, I express my deepest appreciation for the support and counsel of my wife, Susan. As our inside joke goes: I have a PhD, and thus the title of a doctor, but some may question whether I’m the kind of doctor who can actually help anyone! I can say unequivocally, however, that Susan—a physician with years of experience in the emergency room—can help people. I watched while she Heimliched my Aunt Dottie at her ninetieth birthday party, and Susan has patched me up after a number of my adventures at The Edge. Not only has my beautiful wife done all those things, but she has also helped me face the challenges of life with love and laughter. I am so thankful that I found her.

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