Chapter 10. Box 6: Hypotheses

Figure 10-1. Box 6 of the Lean UX Canvas: Hypotheses

When the team arrives at Box 6, it has all the raw material it needs to start writing tactical, testable hypotheses. Before we do that, though, let’s talk about hypotheses in general.

Hypothesis has become a popular word in product development recently, in no small part because of The Lean Startup, in which Eric Ries describes a method of product development inspired by the scientific method. He advocates testing your hypotheses early and often. So what is a hypothesis anyway? According to The Oxford Dictionary of Difficult Words, it’s “a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.”1

That’s what we’re about to create: we’re going to take all of our assumptions (assumptions are statements based on “limited evidence”), and we’re going to gather them into a unified statement (our “proposed explanation” of our problem and solution) so that we can begin our research and testing process (our “further investigation”).

OK, with that out of the way, let’s get started writing hypotheses. This is the template we recommend:

We believe we will achieve [this business outcome]

If [these personas]

Attain [this benefit/user outcome]

With [this feature or solution]

The template starts with the words “we believe.” This is explicit because we don’t know. We’re making assumptions. And then we complete the hypothesis template based on the material we’ve created in every canvas box before this one. We pull business outcomes from Box 2, personas from Box 3, benefits from Box 4, and solutions from Box 5. In some ways, this part of the process is just fill-in-the-blanks.

But we need to do a little more than that. Our goal here is to write hypotheses that make sense and that we believe. These hypotheses are, in essence, very short stories designed to build support for pursuing a particular design direction. Writing a good hypothesis that makes sense and that you and your team believe is actually the first way to test the validity of your solution brainstorms. If you can’t put together a compelling hypothesis statement for one of the solution ideas in Box 5, then that idea shouldn’t graduate to the next part of the process. And, just to be extra clear, a compelling hypothesis is one where the feature has a clear user, the user gets an obvious benefit from the feature, and the subsequent user behavior change helps solve the business problem we articulated in Box 1.

Facilitating the Exercise

We like to create a table like the one in Figure 10-2 and then complete it by using the material we’ve filled in the earlier parts of the canvas. We physically move our Post-it notes into the appropriate boxes to make rows of related ideas. Each column is directly related to a specific box of the canvas, from Box 2 on the left to Box 5 on the right.

Figure 10-2. A hypothesis table

You’ll often find during this exercise that there are gaps in your initial brainstorms. Some business outcomes might have no features created for them, whereas some features might not drive any value for the customer or the business. That’s part of the point of this exercise: to organize and make sense of your initial round of thinking. After you’ve identified the gaps in your brainstorms, fill them in with new sticky notes (Figure 10-3) or—even better—leave the less relevant ideas off the chart. This will help make sense of the undoubtedly large number of ideas your team generates.

With distributed teams using a virtual whiteboard tool, this exercise becomes even easier. Copy and paste your notes from other parts of the canvas into Box 6 and move them around as necessary to complete the chart.

Figure 10-3. Working on the hypothesis chart

After you’ve completed the chart—7 to 10 rows are a good initial target—begin extracting feature hypotheses from it. Use the hypothesis template to ensure you’re including all the relevant components of the hypothesis statement. Here’s that template again:

We believe we will achieve [this business outcome]

If [these personas]

Attain [this benefit/user outcome]

With [this feature or solution]

As you write your hypotheses, consider which persona(s) you’re serving with your proposed solutions. It’s not unusual to find solutions that serve more than one persona at a time. It’s also not unusual to create a hypothesis in which multiple features drive similar outcomes. When you see that happening, refine the hypothesis to focus on just one feature. Hypotheses with multiple features are not easy to test. The important thing to remember in this entire process is to keep your ideas specific enough so that you can create meaningful tests to see if your ideas hold water.

Prioritizing Hypotheses

Lean UX is an exercise in ruthless prioritization. It’s rare to have a project budget focused strictly on learning. In most cases, we need to ship product too. The reason we declare our assumptions at the outset of our work is so that we can identify project risks and prioritize. What’s risky and needs testing? What’s not risky and thus easy to start?

After we string our assumptions together into hypotheses, we create a backlog of potential work. Next, we need to figure out which ones are the riskiest ones—so that we can work on them first. Understanding that you can’t test every assumption, how do you decide which one to test first?

There are lots of ways that you can prioritize, but we’ve found that it can often be helpful to do this collaboratively and to have a framework to use for this work. That’s why we created the Hypothesis Prioritization Canvas shown in Figure 10-4. (Yes, another canvas.) The HPC is a two-by-two matrix with the x-axis measuring risk, and the y-axis measuring perceived value. We use “perceived” value because this is a big assumption. We believe that an idea has high perceived value if its implementation will meaningfully impact the user experience and therefore the business. When it comes to risk, we evaluate each hypothesis on its own merit. Some hypotheses are going to be technically risky. Some will pose risk to the brand. Others will challenge our design capabilities. In this case, we don’t normalize for a specific type of risk so we can consider all aspects of risk for each hypothesis.

Figure 10-4. The Hypothesis Prioritization Canvas

Map your hypotheses on the canvas as a team.

  • The hypotheses that land in quadrant 1 are the hypotheses we are going to test. They graduate to Boxes 7 and 8 in the Lean UX Canvas.

  • If a hypothesis lands in quadrant 2 of the HPC—high value, low risk—we’re going to build it. Write the user stories, put them on the backlog, and ship them. But don’t forget to measure that feature once it’s live. If it doesn’t live up to your expectations—aka the business outcomes defined in the hypothesis as success—you need to revisit this idea.

  • Any hypothesis that falls below the risk axis into the low perceived value area doesn’t get tested. If it lands in quadrant 4 of the HPC—high risk, low value—we throw it away. No need to build it either.

  • Hypotheses that end up in quadrant 3 of the HPC—low risk, low value—don’t get tested and in most cases don’t get built. However, there will be some hypotheses that end up here that, while not particularly valuable or risky, still need to get built so you can operate your business. For example, you will have to implement a payment system if you’re building an ecommerce service, but that won’t differentiate you in the marketplace. In this case, we build the basic use cases knowing that our innovative and delightful features—the riskier features—are going to be tested and validated before implementation.

What to Watch Out For

Hypothesis writing, like most new techniques, gets better with practice. Teams will often write hypotheses that are too big to test early in their Lean UX journey. If you find yourself in this situation, rethink the scope of your hypothesis. How can you make it smaller? How can you size the hypothesis to a point where your team can have total ownership over its scope?

Hypothesis writing, like business problem statement writing, also benefits from specificity. Use specific numbers in your business outcomes. Be clear about the feature you’d like to build. This is another area where phrases like “better user experience” and “intuitive UI” don’t make sense. If you’re asked to test that “intuitive UI” (and, to be clear, you will be in the next step of the canvas,) what will you test? Consider replacing ambiguous phrases like that with more specific ones like “one-click checkout” or “face recognition authentication.”

1 Archie Hobson (ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of Difficult Words (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004), s.v. “hypothesis.”

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