Exchange order book

The exchange order book maintains all incoming buy and sell orders placed by clients. It tracks all attributes for incoming orders—prices, number of contracts/shares, order types, and participant identification. Buy orders (or bids) are sorted from the highest price (best price) to the lowest price (worst price). Bids with higher prices have a higher priority as far as matching is concerned. Bids at the same price are prioritized depending on the matching algorithm. The simplest FIFO (First In First Out) algorithm uses the intuitive rule of prioritizing orders at the same price in the order in which they came in. This will be important later on when we discuss how sophisticated trading algorithms use speed and intelligence to get higher priorities for their orders and how this impacts profitability. Sell orders (or asks) are sorted from the lowest price (best price) to the highest price (worst price). Again, as regards asks at the same price, the matching prioritization method depends on the matching algorithm adopted by the exchange for the specific product, which we will expand upon in greater detail in the next section. Market participants are allowed to place new orders, cancel existing orders, or modify order attributes such as price and the number of shares/contracts, and the exchange generates public market data in response to each order sent by participants. Using the market data distributed by the exchange, market participants can get an accurate idea of what the order book at the exchange looks like (depending on what information the exchange chooses to hide, but we ignore that nuance for now).

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