Securing Bitcoin and blockchain

Investing in Bitcoin or any other Altcoins is a lucrative option that promises high returns in a short time, subject to risks. That is probably why we see a huge demand for these cryptocurrencies, which also shows us why there are ongoing attacks against exchanges and currency theft. An example of this was when the news was filled with headlines stating that top cryptocurrency exchanges were hacked and currency worth several hundred million dollars was stolen. You can see these headlines in the following screenshot:

The questions that arise are as follows:

  • How do we keep currency safe from all such attacks?
  • Is there any safe place?
  • Are there any do's and don'ts to be followed that can safeguard our currency?

So, most Bitcoin thefts are due to poor wallet or security management. In the following diagram, we can see the things that interest Bitcoin or cryptocurrency thieves:

The following items mentioned in the preceding diagram catch the interest of Bitcoin thieves:

  • Your desktop login password or device PIN: It is as good as someone getting access to your home in your absence and stealing almost everything. Mobile devices are especially vulnerable, mainly because they have a higher chance of getting lost or stolen and, with hacking, they may provide access to the wallets on them.
  • Your wallet password: Your wallet password is a gateway to your holdings.
  • Your private keys: Thieves, of course, want your private keys.
  • Your online wallet/exchange password: This is as good as knowing the password to your online bank account.
  • Access to exchange/web wallet servers: This includes access to your web wallet servers and exchange.
  • Vulnerable components or protocols: The vulnerable components or protocols used by online services.

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