Deleting an item from the dictionary

By using the del keyword, you can delete the entire dictionary or the dictionary's items. If you want to delete the dictionary's items, use the following syntax:

del dict[key]

Considering the following code snippet for example:

>>> port = {80: "HTTP", 23 : "Telnet", 443 : "HTTPS"}
>>> del port[23]
>>> port
{80: 'HTTP', 443: 'HTTPS'}

If you want to delete the entire dictionary, then use the following syntax:

The del dict 

Consider the following example:

>>> port = {80: "HTTP", 23 : "Telnet", 443 : "HTTPS"}
>>> del port
>>> port

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#12>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'port' is not defined

The preceding error shows that the port dictionary has been deleted.

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