Basic Python syntax

Basic syntaxes can be referred to as simple guidelines that every programming language requires. Let's try to understand from our daily lives. Let's say you can't eat your food without having it dressed and placed properly on the platter. You need to have proper dressing of food before you can consume it. You prepare a special drink comprising three measures of Gordon gin, one of vodka, half of Kina Lillet, and follow the process to mix in steps. The process is necessary to have a perfect blend. These are sort of syntaxes when we talk in terms of programming languages.

Kina Lillet-Lillet (French pronunciation: [li'le]), classed as an aromatized wine within EU law, is a French aperitif wine from Podensac, a small village south of Bordeaux. It is a blend of 85% Bordeaux region wines (Semillon for the Blanc and for the Rosé, Merlot for the Rouge) and 15% macerated liqueurs, mostly citrus liqueurs (peels of sweet oranges from Spain and Morocco and peels of bitter green oranges from Haiti). The mix is then stirred in oak vats until blended. During the aging process, Lillet is handled as a Bordeaux wine (undergoing fining, racking, filtering, and so on).
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