Triple, double and single quotes

Python doesn't care if you use single quotes or double quotes to print a single statement. But, surely, both has some significance while printing complex statements, which we will see soon.

print "Hello World!" and print 'Hello World!' will give the same output Hello World! two times:

How will you print something like this:

I am mad in love  do you think  I am doing the right thing? One way is to enclose the complete thing within the triple quotes as shown here:
print '''I am mad in love
do you think
I am doing
the right thing '''

Alternatively, you can also use double quotes three times to achieve the same thing:

print """I am mad in love
do you think
I am doing
the right thing """
The preceding two examples are not in formatted form, they are just to show how we can achieve multiline printing.

Let's try another example. What should be the outcome of the following statement?

print 'Hey there it's a cow'

The preceding piece of code gives the following results:

File "", line 1
print 'Hey there it's a cow'
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Python simply interprets that the statement terminated with a single quote after it. The solution is to enclose the complete sentence within double quotes as shown:

print "Hey there it's a cow"

Adding double quotes (") gives an error-free output as shown:

Hey there it's a cow
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