
Thisis the part of the book that makes me a little anxious. I don't want to forget anyone who has been instrumental and helpful in creating this book, yet I know I can't mention each and every one of you. If you're not mentioned here, that doesn't mean I'm not thankful for your contribution! Give me a pen, and I'll scribble your name right here in your copy of the book, and I'll sincerely apologize for not having mentioned you here in the first place.

My first thanks go to you, dear reader. Without you, this book wouldn't make any sense. Without knowing that you might read and enjoy this book, and hopefully learn from it, I probably wouldn't even have considered writing it in the first place. I've received valuable insights and requests from my blog readers and other people I've met or mailed during the course of this book. Thank you, all!

My first thanks go to Jack Nutting, who put the idea of writing a book about cocos2d in my head in the first place. I'm grateful that he did not sugarcoat how much work goes into writing a book so that I wasn't unprepared.

Clay Andres I have to thank for being such a kind person, whose input on my chapter proposals were invaluable and to the point. He helped me form the idea of what the book was to become, and he's generally a delightful person to talk to. Clay, I hope that storm did not flood your house.

Many thanks to Kelly Moritz, the coordinating editor, who though incredibly busy always found the time and patience to answer my questions and follow up on my requests. When chaos ensued, she was the one to put everything back in order and made it happen.

Lots and lots of feedback and suggestions I received from Brian MacDonald and Chris Nelson, the development editors for the book, and Boon Chew, the technical reviewer. They made me go to even greater lengths. Brian helped me understand many of the intricacies of writing a book, while Boon pointed out a lot of technical inaccuracies and additional explanations needed. Many thanks to both of you. Chris was a tremendeous help for the second edition; he pointed out a lot of the small but crucial improvements. He shall forever be known as CCCC: Code Continuation Character Chris.

Many thanks go to the copy editor, Kim Wimpsett. Without you, the book's text would be rife with syntax errors and compiler warnings, to put it in programmer's terms.

I also wish to thank Bernie Watkins, who managed the Alpha Book feedback and my contracts. Thanks also to Chris Guillebeau for being an outstanding inspirational blogger and role model.

Of course, my friends and family all took some part in writing this book, through both feedback and plain-and-simple patience with putting up with my writing spree. Thank you!

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