Post formats

When you visit the blog page, you can see we have multiple post types:

  • Gallery posts
  • Linked posts
  • A-side posts
  • Regular blog posts

In the following screenshot, you can see Gallery post and the linked posts:

This is how the A-side post looks:

This is what a regular blog post looks like:

When we click on Read More, it takes us to a single page where we have our comment form and the customized comments interface, as shown in the following image:

We will now see how to create custom layouts; for instance, the About page, shown in the following screenshot, is in a layout called Company, where we have the phone number displayed in a div class:

Now let's click on Posts or Pages and then on About:

You'll see that we have Default Template and Company Layout in the Template option:

Now we will see how to create a submenu for pages that have parents; for instance our About page has two children, FAQ and Our Team, as shown in the following screenshot:

Now let's take a look at an archive listing. Go to the blog page and click on one of categories such as Technology:

We can see that the page displays all the posts in Technology. Also, if we go to the username and click on that, it'll show you posts by that author, and as you can see in the following image, it's a custom layout for the archive pages:

Let's go ahead and search. We have a special theme or a special layout for that, as you can see in the following screenshot:

We'll get in a little deeper than we did in the first chapter.

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