The chomp Method

Excitement! Now we can make interactive programs! In this one, type your name, and it will greet you:

puts ​'Hello there, and what​'​s your name?'
name = gets
puts ​'Your name is '​ + name + ​'? What a lovely name!'
puts ​'Pleased to meet you, '​ + name + ​'. :)'

Eek! I just ran it—I typed my name, and this is what happened:

<= Hello there, and what's your name?
=> Chris
<= Your name is Chris
 ? What a lovely name!
 Pleased to meet you, Chris
 . :) looks like when I typed the letters C, h, r, i, and s and then pressed Enter, gets got all the letters in my name and the Enter! Fortunately, there’s a method that deals with just this sort of thing: chomp. It takes off any Enter characters hanging out at the end of your string. Let’s try that program again, but with chomp to help us this time:

puts ​'Hello there, and what​'​s your name?'
name = gets.chomp
puts ​'Your name is '​ + name + ​'? What a lovely name!'
puts ​'Pleased to meet you, '​ + name + ​'. :)'
<= Hello there, and what's your name?
=> Chris
<= Your name is Chris? What a lovely name!
 Pleased to meet you, Chris. :)

Much better! Notice that since name is pointing to gets.chomp, we don’t ever have to say name.chomp; name was already chomped. (Of course, if we did chomp it again, it wouldn’t do anything; it has no more Enter characters to chomp off. We could chomp on that string all day, and it wouldn’t change it. Like week-old bubble gum.)

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