Performance aspects

When working on performance requirements, in the development stage or for the complete application lifecycle, we have to choose the performance aspects that influence our software and development project. Before writing the code, many decisions will be taken, such as what architecture the software must have, what design to implement, what hardware target will run our software, and so on.

As said previously, anything technically measurable and comparable with a valid value range may become a performance indicator and therefore a performance requirement. The more this indicator becomes specific to the application that is being developed, the more its requirements becomes domain related, while for all the others, they are generic non-functional requirements.

We have to always keep in mind that a lot of things may become performance indicators from the technical standpoint, such as the ability to support multithreading or parallel programming, also system-specific indicators, such as the ability to support multicore or a specific GPU's programming languages, but these are only details of a well-formed performance requisite.

A complete performance requisite usually covers multiple aspects of performance. Many aspects do exist. Think of this requirement as a map, as follows:

Performance aspects

A performance aspect map is a simple grid, exposing the importance of performance aspects

The first thing to keep in mind is that we cannot have every aspect that is shown in the preceding figure as our primary performance goal. It is simply impossible for hardware and software reasons. Therefore, the tricky task here is to find the primary goal and every secondary or less important objective that our application needs to satisfy. Without any regret, some aspect may become completely unnecessary for our application. Later in this chapter, we will cover a few test cases.


Putting extreme focus on a single kind of performance may lead to a bad performing application.

A desktop or mobile application will never scale out, so why focus on it? A workflow never interacts directly with a client; it will always work in an asynchronous way, so why focus on latency? Do not hesitate to leave some of this aspect in favor of other, more critical aspects.

Let's look at the most important and widely recognized performance aspects.


The latency is the time between a request and response, or more specifically, the time between any action and its result. In other words, latency is the time between a cause and its effect, such that a user can feel it.

A simple example of latency issues is someone using an RDP session. What lets us feel that we are using an RDP session is the latency that the network communication adds to the usual keyboard and mouse iteration.

Latency is critical in web applications where any round-trip between the client's browser and server and then back to the browser is one of the main indicators about the website's responsiveness.


One of the most misused words, a synonym for power, or for the most part, the synonym for good programming, is throughput. Throughput simply means that the speed rate of anything is the main task of the given product or function being valued.

For instance, when we talk about an HDD, we should focus on a performance indicator to reassume all the aspects of HDD speed. We cannot use the sequential read/write speed, and we cannot use the seek time as the only indicator to produce a throughput valuation. These are specific performance indicators of the domain of HDD producers. The following guidelines are also mentioned at the beginning of the chapter. We should find a good indicator (direct, indirect, or interpolated) to reassume the speed of the HDD in the real world. Is this what a performance test suite does for a system and HDD? We can use a generic random 64K read/write (50/50 percent) test to produce a single throughput indicator.

Talking about software, the ability of a workflow to process transactions in a timely manner (such as per second or per hour) is another valid throughput performance indicator.

Resource usage

This is another key performance indicator that includes everything about resource usage such as memory, CPU, or GPU (when applicable).

When we talk about resource usage, the primary concern is memory usage. Not because the CPU or GPU usage is less important, but simply because the GPU is a very specific indicator, and the CPU usually links to other indicators such as throughput.

The GPU indicator may become important only if the graphical computation power is of primary importance, such as when programming for a computer game. In this case, the GPU power consumption becomes a domain-specific (of game programming) technical indicator.


A memory leak may occur when the memory is partially or totally unreleased within a process, when unused.

That being said, it is easy to infer that for the resource usage indicator, the most important feature is memory consumption. If we need to load a lot of data together (in the following chapters, we will see alternatives to this solution), we will have to set up hardware resources as needed.

If our application never releases unused memory, we will face a memory leak. Such a leak is a tremendous danger for any application. OutOfMemoryException is an exception, which in the .NET programming world means that no more memory is available to instantiate new objects.

The only chance to find a memory leak is by profiling the entire application with a proper tool (we will see the integrated profiling tool of Visual Studio in Chapter 9) to show us how an application consumes memory on a subroutine basis.


This is a key performance indicator for any software serving multiple users, such as a web service, web application, workflow, and so on.

Availability is also the proof of how a performance indicator may also be something not directly related to speed or power, but simply the ability of the software being in up-time, actually running, without issues in any condition. Availability is directly related to reliability. The more a system is available, the more it is reliable. However, a system may become available using a good maintenance plan or a lot of rework. A reliable system is always a strong one that does not need special maintenance or rework because it was well developed at the beginning, and meets most of the challenges that the production stage can produce.


When talking about scalability, things come back to some kind of power—the ability of a single function or entire application to boost its performance—as the number of processors rise or the number of servers increases. We will focus a lot on this indicator by searching for good programming techniques such as multithreading and parallel programming in this and the following chapters, because at the time of writing this book, CPU producers have abandoned the path of single processor power, in favor of multicore CPU architectures. Today, we see smartphones with a CPU of four cores and servers with a single socket of twenty cores each. As software developers, we have to follow market changes, and change our software accordingly to take the most advantages possible.

Scalability is not too difficult to achieve because of the great availability of technologies and frameworks. However, it is not something we can always achieve and at any level. We can neither rely only on hardware evolution, nor on infinite scalability, because not all our code maybe scalable. If they are, it is always limited by the technology, the system architecture, or the hardware itself.


Efficiency is a relatively new kind of performance indicator. The existence of mobile devices and computer-like laptops since 1975, with the release of IBM 5100, opened the way to a new performance indicator of efficiency. Absolute power consumption is a part of the meaning of efficiency, with a new technical indicator named performance per watt, an indicator that shows the computation level that consumes a single watt of power.

As software developers, we will never focus on hardware electrical consumption, but we have to reduce, at the most, any overhead. Our goal is to avoid wasting any computational power and consequently, electrical power. This aspect is critical in mobile computing, where battery life is never enough.

Speaking of cloud computing, efficiency is a critical indicator for the cloud provider that sells the virtual machines in a time-based billing method, trying to push as many billable VMs in the same hardware. Instead, for a cloud consumer, although efficiency is something outside of their domain, wasting CPU power will force the need to use more VMs. The disadvantage of this is to pay more to have the same results.

In my opinion, always take into consideration this aspect, at least a bit, if you want to reduce global electrical consumption.

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