Technical overview

Until now, we have read about what performance requirement analysis means, how to work with performance concerns, and how to manage performance requirements against the full life cycle of a software development project. We will now learn more about the computing environment or architecture that we can leverage while programming for performance. Before getting into the details of the architecture, design, and C# specific implementations, which will be discussed in the following chapters, we will have an overview of what we could take as an advantage from each technique.

Multithreaded programming

Any code statement we write is executed by a processor. We can define a processor as a stupid executor of binary logic. The same processor executes a single logic every time. This is why modern operating systems work in time-sharing mode. This means the processor availability is frequently switched from virtual processors.

A thread is a virtual processor that lives within a process (the .exe or any .NET application) that is able to elaborate any code from any logical module of the given application.

Multicore processors are physical processors, which are all printed in the same metallic or plastic package. This helps reducing some cost and optimizing some external (but still internal to the package) devices such as memory controller, system bus, and often a high-speed cache.

Multithreading programming is the ability to program multiple threads together. This gives our applications the ability to use multiple processors, often reducing the overall execution time of our methods. Any kind of software may benefit from using multithreaded programming, such as games, server-side workflows, desktop applications, and so on. Multithreading programming is available from .NET 1.0 onward.

Although multithreading programming creates an evident performance boost by multiplying the code being executed at the same time, a disadvantage is the predictable number of threads used by the software on a system with an unpredictable number of processor cores available. For instance, by writing an application that uses two threads, we optimize the usage of a dual-core system, but we will waste the added power of a quad-core processor.

An optimization tries to split the application into the highest number of threads possible. However, although this boosts processor usage, it will also increase the overhead of designing a big hardly-coded multithreaded application.

Gaming software houses update lot of existing game engines to address multicore systems. First implementations simply used two or three main threads instead of a single one. This helped the games to use the increased available power of first multicore systems.

Multithreaded programming

A simple multithreaded application, like most games made use of in 2006/2007

Parallel programming

Parallel programming adds a dynamic thread number to multithreading programming.

The thread number is then managed by the parallel framework engine itself according to internal heuristics based on dataset size, whether or not data-parallelism is used, or number of concurrent tasks, if task parallelism is used.

Parallel programming is the solution to all problems of multithreaded programming while facing a large dataset. For any other use, simply do not use parallelism, but use multithreading with a sliding elaboration design.

Parallelism is the ability to split the computation of a large dataset of items into multiple sub datasets that are to be executed in a parallel way (together) on multiple threads, with a built-in synchronization framework, the ability to unite all the divided datasets into one of the initial sizes again.

Another important advantage of parallel programming is that a parallel development framework automatically creates the right number of sub datasets based on the number CPU cores and other factors. If used on a single-core processor, nothing happens without costing any overheads to the operating system.

When a parallel computing engine splits the initial dataset into multiple smaller datasets, it creates a number, that is, a multiple of the processor core count. When the computation begins, the first group of datasets fulfils the available processor cores, while the other group waits for its time. At the end, a new dataset containing the union of all the smaller ones is created and populated with the results of all the processed dataset results.

When using parallel programming, threads flow to the cores trying to use all available resources:

Parallel programming

Differently from hardcoded thread usage with the parallelism of Task Parallel Library items flow to all available cores

In parallel programming, the main disadvantage is the percentage of the use of parallelizable code (and data) in the overall application.

Let's assume that we create a workflow application to read some data from an external system, process it, and then write the data back to the external system again. We can assume that if the cost of input and output is about 50 percent of the overall cost of the workflow, we can, at best, have an application that is twice as fast, if it uses all the available cores. Its the same for a 64-core CPU.

The first person to formulate this sentence was Gene Amdahl in his Amdahl's law (1967). Thinking about a whole code block, we can have a speed-up that is equal to the core count only when such code presents a perfect parallelizability; otherwise, the overhead will always become a rising bottleneck as the number of cores increases. This law shows a crucial limitation of parallel programming. Not everything is parallelizable for system limitations, such as hardware resources, or because of external dependencies, such as a database that uses internal locks to grant unlimited accesses limiting parallelizability.

The following image is a preview of a 50 percent parallelizable code across a virtually infinite core count CPU:

Parallel programming

The execution speed increase of a 50 percent un-parallelizable code. The highest speed multiplication (2X) is achieved about at 100 cores.

A software developer uses the Amdahl's law to evaluate the theoretical maximum reachable speed when using parallel computing to process a large dataset.

Against this law, another one exists, by the name of Gustafson–Barsis' law, described by John L. Gustafson and Edwin H. Barsis. They said that because of the limits software developers put on themselves, software performances do not grow in a linear way. In addition, they said that if multiple processors work on a large dataset, we can succeed processing all data in any amount of time we like; the only thing we need is enough power in the number of processor cores.

Although this is partially true only on cloud computing platform, where with the right payment plan, it is possible to have a huge availability of processor count and virtual machines. The truth is that overhead always will limit the throttling multiplication. However, this also means that we have to focus on parallelizable data and never stop trying to find a better result in our code.

Distributed computing

As mentioned earlier, sometimes the number of processor cores we have is never enough. Sometimes, different system categories are involved in the same software architecture. A mobile device has a fashionable body and may be very nice to use for any kind of user, while a server is powerful and can serve thousands of users, it is not mobile or nice.

Distributed computing occurs every time we split software architecture into multiple system designs. For instance, when we create a mobile application with the richest control set, multiple web services responding on multiple servers with one or more databases behind them, we create an application using distributed computing.

Here, the focus is not on speeding up a single elaboration of data, but serving multiple users. A distributed application is able to scale up and down on any virtual cloud farm or public cloud IaaS (infrastructure as a service, such as Microsoft® Azure). Although this architecture adds some possible issues, such as the security between endpoints, it also scales up at multiple nodes with the best technology its node can exploit.

The most popular distributed architecture is the n-tier; more specifically, the 3-tier architecture made by a user-interface layer (any application, including web applications), a remotely accessible business logic layer (SOAP/REST web services), and a persistence layer (one or multiple databases). As time changes, multiple nodes of any layer may be added to fulfil new demands of power. In the future, technology will add updates to a single layer to fulfill all the requirements, without forcing the other layers to do the same.

Grid computing

In grid computing, a huge dataset is divided in tiny datasets. Then, a huge number of heterogeneous systems process those small datasets and split or route them again to other small processing nodes in a huge Wide Area Network (WAN), usually the Internet itself. This is a cheaper method to achieve huge computational power with widely distributed network of commodity class systems, such as personal computers around the world.

Grid computing is definitely a customization of distributed computing, available for huge datasets of highly parallelized computational data.

In 1999, the University of California in Berkeley released the most famous project written using grid computing named SETI @ home, a huge scientific data analysis application for extra-terrestrial intelligence search. For more details, you can refer to the following link:

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