Consuming sensor data from Amazon QuickSight

To consume sensor data from Amazon QuickSight, we should provide supported sensor data sources. For the demo, we will consume sensor data from the Excel file. I have prepared this data.  You can download it from

To implement this demo, perform the following steps:

  1. The first step to implement this demo is to register with Amazon QuickSight. At the time of writing, it provides a free scheme with a limited 1 GB storage. You can register at
  2. Next, we create sensor data. For this demo, I will prepare sensor data in Excel. You can download it at You can also create your own sensor data. In general, this sensor data consists of temperature and humidity, as shown in the following screenshot. This data will be uploaded to Amazon QuickSight:
  1. Open Amazon QuickSight and select Manage Data. Then, you can create a new dataset by clicking on the New data set button.
  2. Select the Upload a file option for the dataset type. You should get a dialog to select a file. Please select the Excel file that we have prepared. After uploading, Amazon QuickSight will detect a data sheet. Select it and then click on the Select button:
  1. After selecting the data source sheet, Amazon QuickSight will display all the data. You also can edit from your uploaded data. You can see it in the following screenshot:
  1. Next, we can visualize this data directly. Click on the Save & visualize button to perform data visualization. We can create a simple chart. You can select the Line chart from the Visual types section. Then, select No for the X axis field. For the Value field, you can select Temperature and Humidity. A result of the data visualization can be seen in the following screenshot:
  1. You can create other visual models by selecting them in the Visual types section. For instance, I selected a stacked bar combo chart type. Then, select No for the X axis, Temperature for Bars, and Humidity for Lines. You can see the result of the data visualization in the following screenshot:

What's next? You can modify and do experimentation for this data visualization. You can change the visual type and select data sources on the chart.

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