Accessing local resources

AWS Greengrass can access local resources. This is possible if we use AWS Greengrass version 1.3.0 or later versions. You can configure an AWS Lambda to access specific resources. The following is a list of local resources that you can apply:

  • Folders and files
  • Serial ports
  • USB
  • GPIOs
  • GPUs
  • Cameras

To show you how to work with local resources in the AWS Greengrass Core machine, we will access local GPIO resources. We need an LED that is attached to Raspberry Pi on GPIO 18 (pin 12). You can see this wiring in the following image:

Our aim is to develop a blinking Lambda. This demo will make a blinking LED while the Lambda function is called. The next step is to develop AWS Lambda and then configure the AWS Greengrass Core machine. 

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