Companion Videos List

In addition to this book, several hours of companion online training videos are available. Throughout the chapters, you’ll be invited to watch a video that relates to the topic being covered in that section.

To access the videos, register this book at

Chapter 1: Learning AWS

Signing up for Amazon Free Tier

Terra Firma

Chapter 2: Designing with AWS Global Services

Availability Zones

Choosing a Region

Planning Compliance

Trusted Advisor

Using the Simple Monthly Calculator

Chapter 3: AWS Networking Services

Create a Custom VPC

Creating CIDR Blocks

Public and Private Subnets

Exploring Route Tables

Creating Security Groups

Network ACLs

VPC Flow Logs

Understanding Endpoints

Adding an Internet Gateway

Creating VPN Connections

Chapter 4: Compute Services: AWS EC2 Instances

Creating a Custom AMI

Creating Reserved Instances

Spot Instances

Creating Instances

Chapter 5: Planning for Scale and Resiliency

Installing the CloudWatch Agent

CloudWatch in Operation

Creating a CloudWatch Alarm

Deploying EC2 Auto Recovery

Connection Draining

Understanding ELB Features

Creating Listener Rules

Creating a Network Load Balancer

Creating Launch Templates

EC2 Auto Scaling

Chapter 6: Cloud Storage

Creating EBS Volumes

Creating Snapshots

Creating S3 Buckets

S3 Management Features

Creating EFS Storage

FSx Setup for Windows

Ordering RDS

Creating Aurora Databases

Creating DynamoDB Tables

Data Transfer Options at AWS

Chapter 7: Security Services

Creating IAM Users and Groups

Defining a Password Policy

Enabling MFA Protection

Creating IAM Policies

Creating Permission Boundaries

Exploring AWS Security Tools

Exploring CloudTrail Events

Setting up AWS Organizations and RAM

Chapter 8: Automating AWS Infrastructure

Analyzing a CloudFormation Template

Creating EC2 Instances with CloudFormation

Creating Change Sets with CloudFormation

Creating Products with Service Catalog

Deploying Elastic Beanstalk

Updating Elastic Beanstalk with a Blue/Green Deployment

S3 Buckets and Alerts Using Lambda

CloudWatch Alerts and Lambda

Creating Lambda Functions

Using the API Gateway

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