I would like to dedicate this book to lots of people who have been with me and have supported me. I would like to dedicate this book to my parents, without who I am nothing; Bindu and Aarti (my sisters), who showed me the power of smiles; Nitin, who taught me how to enjoy the little things in life; Mitesh, for supporting and encouraging me all the time and forcing me to believe in myself.
                                                                                                              – Manisha Yadav
I would like to dedicate this book to a lot of people who gave me a ray of hope amid the darkness. I would like to dedicate this book to Shreyansh (Shreyu—my sister Jigisha's baby boy), who showed me the power of innocence and smiles; Vinay Kher, for his blessing; my parents, who are always there silently praying for me; Simba (Priyanka Agashe), for supporting and encouraging me all the time and forcing me to believe in myself; the Indian Army, and all the brave soldiers in uniform for protecting us. Please support bharatkeveer.gov.in/ to pay homage to the brave hearts who
laid down their lives in the line of duty.
                                                                                                               – Mitesh Soni
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