Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration is one of the most popular and core DevOps practices. Continuous Integration is a practice where code is committed to a shared repository such as Git, and the committed code is verified against static code analysis, automated build, and unit test cases.

  1. Let's create a build definition.
  2. Click on the Git repository and click on Set up build:
  1. Select a template Azure Web App and click on Apply:
  1. Keep only Get sources and Publish Artifact tasks.
  2. Click on Add Task and add Copy Files task to the Build definition:
  1. We want to copy all the files available from the Azure Functions project.
  2. Provide the details for Target Folder:
  1. Publish Artifact is used to make available files to be used in the Release definition:
  1. In the Triggers section, enable the Continuous Integration trigger. Now, if any new code is checked in, then Continuous Integration will take place:
  1. Click on Save. Our Build definition is ready.

In the next section, we will create the Release definition.

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