Chapter 10. Moving Around, Collisions, and Keeping Score

As we enter the PlayStates, the Player needs to be able to move around in the Scene. A common way to move the Player is by using the Transform Component methods. However, we really want to use Rigidbody physics instead.

With all this moving around, it would be nice if we could always see what the Player is doing. We'll see a couple of ways the camera can keep an eye on the Player's movements.

To demonstrate game code, we'll have some good and bad GameObjects that the Player can interact with. The good objects will increase the score, and the bad objects will decrease the life of the Player.

In this chapter, we shall study:

  • Starting in Scene1
  • Camera views
  • Moving Player using Rigidbody physics
  • Keeping score
  • Shooting projectiles

Let's see how all of these tie together...

Visualizing the completed game

As simplistic as this game is for learning C#, it's still nice to have some sort of picture of a game when complete. The primary goal is learning how separate pieces of code can come together to form a whole game.

The following screenshot was taken while in PlayStatesScene1_2. Player is shooting several energy pulses. Of course, your assets will probably look different, but this chapter completes all the coding necessary to have a simple functioning game.

Visualizing the completed game


This chapter is going to be structured slightly differently than the previous chapters. Instead of going through step-by-step instructions to add code to our classes and scripts, all the complete files of code can be found in Appendix B. I will simply reference the relevant code when doing a code flow analysis.

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