Impala processing strategy

Now let's review how Impala starts processing a query when it is submitted through any of the following ways:

  • When a query is submitted, Impala needs two kinds of metadata to start query processing:
    • Catalog information using Hive metadata
    • File metadata using NameNode
  • It is strongly recommended to have the Impala daemon running on all DataNodes, which helps Impala run distributed queries directly on the stored data; however, if the Impala daemon is not running on all DataNodes, it still plans to run the query as effectively and as fast as it can.
  • At the time of writing this book, Impala only supports in-memory hash aggregations.
  • In the case of the JOIN operation, all of the tables referenced in the JOIN operation must fit in the aggregate memory on the host or hosts where Impala is running.
  • If the JOIN operation is submitted, Impala will use either broadcast or partitioned join, depending on the query planner's decision, and follow the table order provided in the SELECT statement.
  • Impala processes all queries in memory, so memory limitation on nodes is definitely a factor. You must have enough memory to support the resultant dataset, which could grow multifold during complex JOIN operations.
  • If a query starts processing the data and the resultant dataset cannot fit in the available memory, the query will fail.
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