To get the most out of this book

  1. You should have basic knowledge of Kotlin. While all the concepts, primitives, and code related to concurrency are explained in great detail, some basic knowledge is assumed. For example, you should know how to create variables, classes, what a lambda is, and such like.
  2. No knowledge of concurrency is assumed. This book aims to give you an introduction to concurrency, plus how to approach it from a pure Kotlin perspective.
  3. Read the code samples with attention to detail, and ensure that you follow along the creation of the Android application. It will be easier for you to learn if you really dedicate the time to putting things in practice.
  4. An installation of IntelliJ IDEA Community 18.01 or a more recent version is expected. We will cover the installation of Android Studio 3.1 during Chapter 2Coroutines in Action, so that you can follow the development of the RSS reader.
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