Implementing the collaborative search

Now we can do the actual implementation for the search. First we want to add a list of feeds to the Searcher class, and also a dispatcher and a document factory to retrieve the articles:

class Searcher() {

val dispatcher = newFixedThreadPoolContext(3, "IO-Search")
val factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance()

val feeds = listOf(
Feed("npr", ""),
Feed("cnn", ""),
Feed("fox", "")

Now we can add a search() function that will retrieve a feed, filter the articles containing the given query on the title or the description, and send them through a SendChannel received as a parameter. The initial implementation will be quite similar to the one we have used in the producer before:

private suspend fun search(
feed: Feed,
channel: SendChannel<Article>,
query: String
) {
val builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder()
val xml = builder.parse(feed.url)
val news = xml.getElementsByTagName("channel").item(0)

(0 until news.childNodes.length)
.map { news.childNodes.item(it) }
.filter { Node.ELEMENT_NODE == it.nodeType }
.map { it as Element }
.filter { "item" == it.tagName }
.forEach {
// TODO: Parse and filter


But instead of mapping the content, we want to send it through a channel after filtering:

val title = it.getElementsByTagName("title")
var summary = it.getElementsByTagName("description")

if (title.contains(query) || summary.contains(query)) {
if (summary.contains("<div")) {
summary = summary.substring(0, summary.indexOf("<div"))

val article = Article(, title, summary)

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