
Often, in order to guarantee that concurrent code is synchronized correctly, it's necessary to suspend or block execution while a task is completed in a different thread. But due to the complexity of these situations, it isn't uncommon to end up in a situation where the execution of the complete application is halted because of circular dependencies:

lateinit var jobA : Job
lateinit var jobB : Job

fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking {
jobA = launch {
// wait for JobB to finish

jobB = launch {
// wait for JobA to finish

// wait for JobA to finish

Let's take a look at a simple flow diagram of jobA.

Flow chart of jobA

In this example, jobA is waiting for jobB to finish its execution; meanwhile jobB is waiting for jobA to finish. Since both are waiting for each other, none of them is ever going to end; hence the message Finished will never be printed:

Flow chart of jobB

This example is, of course, intended to be as simple as possible, but in real-life scenarios deadlocks are more difficult to spot and correct. They are commonly caused by intricate networks of locks, and often happen hand-in-hand with race conditions. For example, a race condition can create an unexpected state in which the deadlock can happen.

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