
Creating and managing threads is one of the difficult parts of writing concurrent code in many languages. As seen before, it's important to know when to create a thread, and almost as important to know how many threads are optimal. It's also important to have threads dedicated to I/O operations, while also having threads to tackle CPU-bound operations. And communicating/syncing threads is a challenge in itself.

Kotlin has high-level functions and primitives that make it easier to implement concurrent code:

  • To create a thread it's enough to call newSingleThreadContext(), a function that only takes the name of the thread. Once created, that thread can be used to run as many coroutines as needed.
  • Creating a pool of threads is as easy, by calling newFixedThreadPoolContext() with the size and the name of the pool.
  • CommonPool is a pool of threads optimal for CPU-bound operations. Its maximum size is the amount of cores in the machine minus one.
  • The runtime will take charge of moving a coroutine to a different thread when needed .
  • There are many primitives and techniques to communicate and synchronize coroutines, such as channels, mutexes, and thread confinement.
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