The categories and links application

Let's now apply Dartlero to a model with two concepts and one relationship, our category links model. Once again, we will clone the project from GitHub with:

git clone git://

The model is implemented in the lib folder of the dartlero_category_links application (refer to the following screenshot):

The categories and links application

The code structure of categories-links

There are three dart files in the model folder, one for the model and two for the two entities. The dartlero_category_links library is defined in the dartlero_category_links.dart file:

library dartlero_category_links;

import 'package:dartlero/dartlero.dart';

part 'model/category_entities.dart';
part 'model/category_links_model.dart';
part 'model/link_entities.dart';

There are two classes in the category_entities.dart file, one for the entity definition and the other for a collection of entities. The Category class of the model extends the ConceptEntity class of Dartlero (line (1)), while the Categories class inherits its properties and methods from the ConceptEntities class (line (2)):

part of dartlero_category_links;
class Category extends ConceptEntity<Category> {	(1)

  String description;
  Links links = new Links();

  Category newEntity() => new Category();

  String toString() {
    return '  {
           '    ${super.toString()}, 
           '    description: ${description}
           '  }

  Map<String, Object> toJson() {
    Map<String, Object> entityMap = super.toJson();
    entityMap['description'] = description;
    entityMap['links'] = links.toJson();
    return entityMap;

  fromJson(Map<String, Object> entityMap) {
    description = entityMap['description'];

  bool get onProgramming =>
      description.contains('programming') ? true : false;

class Categories extends ConceptEntities<Category> {	(2)
  Categories newEntities() => new Categories();
  Category newEntity() => new Category();

The Category class inherits the code property from the ConceptEntity class; it has its own description and links properties. Note that a parent-child relationship direction is represented as the links property in the Category class. In addition, the Category class inherits the public application interface of the ConceptEntityApi class. The Categories class (line (2)) is simple because most of its behavior is defined in the ConceptEntities class of Dartlero. The Link and Links classes are created in a similar way (refer to link_entities.dart).

The CategoryLinksModel class extends the ConceptModel class of Dartlero (refer category_links_model.dart). The newEntries method in the CategoryLinksModel class provides the only entry into the model. The init method creates a few categories and links. The display method shows the data of the model in the console. To see the model in action, run the these programs in the test folder: category_links_model_test.dart, category_entities_test.dart, or link_entities_test.dart. They will exercise the same methods and tests we saw in the first Dartlero example. For example, the model test program will call the init and display methods:

import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:dartlero_category_links/dartlero_category_links.dart';

testModel() {
  CategoryLinksModel categoryLinksModel;
  Categories categories;
  group("Testing Model: ", () {
    setUp(() {
      categoryLinksModel = new CategoryLinksModel();
      categories = categoryLinksModel.categories;
    tearDown(() {
      expect(categories.isEmpty, isTrue);
    test('Display model', () {

main() {

This code produces a similar output as the previous code snippet.

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