Spiral 4 – reading and showing data

Having stored our data in local storage, it is just as easy to read this data from local storage. Here is a simple screen that takes a bank account number as input, and reads its data when the number field is filled in:

Spiral 4 – reading and showing data

Bank terminal screen


For code files of this section, refer to chapter 6ank_terminal_s4 in the code bundle.

We clean up our code making main() shorter by calling methods:

void main() {
bind_elements() {
  owner = querySelector('#owner'),
  balance = querySelector('#balance'),
  number = querySelector('#number'),
  btn_other = querySelector('#btn_other'),
  error = querySelector('#error'),
attach_event_handlers() {

Apply this refactoring from now on when coding a form. When the number is filled in, its Input event listener is triggered:


In the readData handler, the value is read from the local storage where the key contains the bank account number (line (2)). But first, we will check whether our input sits in the local storage; if not, an error label is shown. The field gets focus and we leave the method with return (line (1) and following):

readData(Event e) {
  // show data:
  var key = 'Bankaccount:${number.value}';
  if (!window.localStorage.containsKey(key)) {      (1)
    error.innerHtml = "Unknown bank account!";
    owner.innerHtml = "----------";
    balance.innerHtml = "0.0";
  error.innerHtml = "";
  // read data from local storage:
  String acc_json = window.localStorage[key];      (2)
  bac = new BankAccount.fromJson(JSON.decode(acc_json));  (3)
  // show owner and balance:
  owner.innerHtml = "<b>${bac.owner.name}</b>";    (4)
  balance.innerHtml = "<b>${bac.balance.toStringAsFixed(2)}</b>";

The bank account object bac is now created in line (3), and the owner and balance labels can then be filled in line (4). Let's examine this in some detail. The resulting string acc_json has the structure of a map, and the JSON.decode method of the convert package transforms this string into a map. We will enhance our model classes with functionality to convert this map into an object. The best way to do this is with a named constructor (called appropriately fromJson ) that takes this map and makes a new object from it. So in the person class, we add the following named constructor:

Person.fromJson(Map json) {
    this.name = json["name"];
    this.address = json["address"];
    this.email = json["email"];
    this.gender = json["gender"];
    this.date_birth = DateTime.parse(json["birthdate"]);

This is used by the fromJson constructor in the BankAccount class:

BankAccount.fromJson(Map json):  date_created =      DateTime.parse(json["creation_date"]) {
    this.number = json["number"];
    this.owner = new Person.fromJson(json["owner"]);
    this.balance = json["balance"];
    this.pin_code = json["pin_code"];
    this.date_modified = DateTime.parse(json["modified_date"]);
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