
(, developed by Allan Berger, Nik Graf, and Thomas Schranz from Blossom.)

Blossom is a firm that develops collaboration and organization tools around project management; they have been using the whole web technology stack in the process, including Backbone.js, CoffeeScript, and Python, on the server. Blossom is also a cutting-edge, single-page web application with Google App Engine as the backend. In a recent blog post (April 2013,, Thomas Schranz discussed why they where switching to Dart: the main reasons were the fragmentation and lack of cohesion in the JavaScript framework offering, and the fact that Dart is designed with performance in mind. Bee (as of writing, Version 0.0.2) is a collection of lightweight and frequently used Dart web components, such as buttons, popovers, overlays, and input fields. It can be installed via pub using bee:any in your pubspec.yaml, and importing the necessary lib files in your app, such as:

import 'package:bee/components/loading.dart';
import 'package:bee/components/overlay.dart';
import 'package:bee/components/popover.dart';
import 'package:bee/components/secret.dart';
import 'package:bee/utils/html_helpers.dart';

A component, such as a button, is then used as all web components by importing:

<link rel="import" href="package:bee/components/button.html">

and using the following markup:

<x-button value="text on button"></x-button>

You can expect a Polymer port of this framework soon.

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