
(Download the code from the GitHub site: https://github.com/eee-c/hipster-mvc.)

This framework (now in its Version 0.2.6) is developed by Chris Strom based on Backbone.js. It is used in the development of the Dart comics example in Dart for Hipsters, published by The Pragmatic Programmers (find the code at https://github.com/eee-c/dart-comics). The framework defines a HipsterModel class, and your app resource class must inherit from this. The class that represents a collection of your objects must inherit from the HipsterCollection class, and the view class from HipsterView. To use it, add hipster_mvc: >=0.2.6 to your app's pubspec.yaml. It is a great starting point for a client app that uses the REST pattern to communicate with a server.

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