
( developed by Bernhard Pichler)

Adobe with its ActionScript variant of JavaScript and its Flash/Flex developer suite has been a long time contender in the web development world. But Flash isn't such a popular choice for web development anymore, and Dart is quite similar to ActionScript 3. So it comes as no surprise that a solution has been developed to help migrate Flash projects to HTML5 using Dart. The StageXL library (now at Version 0.8.3, formerly known as DartFlash) does exactly that, being highly compatible with the battle-proof Flash API but built with Dart. It is a complete and robust Flash-like engine for Canvas that is built on top of the Dart programming language using the familiar Flash class hierarchy, with classes such as DisplayObject, MovieClip, Stage, and Sprite. Working with sound is made simple with the Flash Sound API; a number of visual effect filters are provided, and an easy-to-use animation framework called Juggler also comes with it.

StageXL is intended for Flash/ActionScript developers who want to migrate their projects as well as their skills to HTML5. The library's site is up to date and provides extensive documentation, examples, and tutorials at To start using it, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file: stagexl: any; add the following import statement to your Dart code:

import 'package:stagexl/stagexl.dart';
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