Web data mining

Web mining aims to discover useful information or knowledge from the web hyperlink structure, page, and usage data. The Web is one of the biggest data sources to serve as the input for data mining applications.

Web data mining is based on IR, machine learning (ML), statistics, pattern recognition, and data mining. Web mining is not purely a data mining problem because of the heterogeneous and semistructured or unstructured web data, although many data mining approaches can be applied to it.

Web mining tasks can be defined into at least three types:

  • Web structure mining: This helps to find useful information or valuable structural summary about sites and pages from hyperlinks
  • Web content mining: This helps to mine useful information from web page contents
  • Web usage mining: This helps to discover user access patterns from web logs to detect intrusion, fraud, and attempted break-in

The algorithms applied to web data mining are originated from classical data mining algorithms. They share many similarities, such as the mining process; however, differences exist too. The characteristics of web data mining makes it different from data mining for the following reasons:

  • The data is unstructured
  • The information of the Web keeps changing and the amount of data keeps growing
  • Any data type is available on the Web, such as structured and unstructured data
  • Heterogeneous information is on the web; redundant pages are present too
  • Vast amounts of information on the web is linked
  • The data is noisy

Web data mining differentiates from data mining by the huge dynamic volume of source dataset, a big variety of data format, and so on. The most popular data mining tasks related to the Web are as follows:

  • Information extraction (IE): The task of IE consists of a couple of steps, tokenization, sentence segmentation, part-of-speech assignment, named entity identification, phrasal parsing, sentential parsing, semantic interpretation, discourse interpretation, template filling, and merging.
  • Natural language processing (NLP): This researches the linguistic characteristics of human-human and human-machine interactive, models of linguistic competence and performance, frameworks to implement process with such models, processes'/models' iterative refinement, and evaluation techniques for the result systems. Classical NLP tasks related to web data mining are tagging, knowledge representation, ontologies, and so on.
  • Question answering: The goal is to find the answer from a collection of text to questions in natural language format. It can be categorized into slot filling, limited domain, and open domain with bigger difficulties for the latter. One simple example is based on a predefined FAQ to answer queries from customers.
  • Resource discovery: The popular applications are collecting important pages preferentially; similarity search using link topology, topical locality and focused crawling; and discovering communities.
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