
In this chapter, we learned the following facts:

  • Classification is a class of dispatch instances to one of predefined categories
  • Decision tree induction is to learn the decision tree from the source dataset with the (instance and class-label) pairs under the supervised learning mode
  • ID3 is a decision tree induction algorithm
  • C4.5 is an extension of ID3
  • CART is a decision tree induction
  • Bayes classification is a statistical classification algorithm
  • Naïve Bayes classification is a simplified version of Bayes classification in which there is a presumption of independence
  • Rule-based classification is a classification model applying the rule set, which can be collections by direct algorithm, the sequential covering algorithm, and the indirect method by decision tree transforming

In the next chapter, you'll cover the more-advanced classification algorithms, including Bayesian Belief Network, SVM, k-Nearest Neighbors algorithm, and so on.

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