Constructing a funnel chart

As the name implies, the shape of a funnel chart is that of a funnel. A funnel chart is another way of showing how data flows in a diminished fashion. For example, it can be used to show the stages from the number of sale leads, demos, and meetings to actual sales, or the number of job applicants that pass through exams, interviews, and an offer to actual acceptance.

The funnel chart is packaged as a separate module which needs to include the JavaScript file as follows:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

In this funnel chart example, we will plot a product starting from web visits and leading to product sales. Here is the series configuration:

series: [{
      type: 'funnel',
      width: '60%',
      height: '80%',
      neckWidth: '20%',
      dataLabels: {
          format: '{} - {y}',
          color: '#222'
      title: {
          text: "Product from Web Visits to Sales"
      data: [{
          name: 'Website visits',
          y: 29844
      }, {
          name: 'Product downloads',
          y: 9891
      }, {

Apart from the series type option, Highcharts simply draws the set of data points in a funnel shape configuration. We use the neckWidth option to control the width of the narrow part of the funnel as a ration of the plot area. The same applies to the width and height options. Here is a screenshot illustrating this:

Constructing a funnel chart
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