About the Reviewers

Philip Arad is a web architect and a frontend developer who works mainly on enterprise large scale applications. He has more than 10 years of experience in user interface design and UI infrastructures on the web platform, using mainly Sencha and Highcharts. Nowadays, Philip designs the UI architecture for the SolarEdge monitoring portal and its administration web applications. He is responsible for the integration of technologies, information, and business processes for the Web and the mobile platforms of the company.

You can see his work at http://monitoring.solaredge.com.

Zhang Bo is a web developer with 6 years of experience on PHP. He currently works as an R and D Engineer at NSFOCUS (http://www.nsfocus.com), leading development work of a new version of the next-generation firewall product. Zhang has a strong background in using Highcharts to visually present network traffic and security. He is also a qualified professional in the web security field. Apart from work, he enjoys spending time on his interests of travel, gourmet, and photography.

Katherine Y. Chuang is a software engineer and data scientist based in New York. She obtained her PhD in interactive design and worked on interactive data visualizations for decision support systems used in clinical care. Now she works for a consulting company that creates software that helps users quickly model large datasets and automated analytics reporting. In her free time, she organizes open source tech events for communities in NYC and scientific conferences.

Rémi Lepage is a freelance software engineer and a computer science technical trainer.

He holds a master's degree in computer science from Supinfo and the ZCE (Zend Certified Engineer) PHP 5.3 certification.

Specializing in web application development and database administration, he has created several management intranets. He currently creates enterprise applications.

Jon Arild Nygård is a web developer whose prime focus and interest is frontend development. He especially appreciates all the endless possibilities the JavaScript libraries offer. Currently, he is employed at Highsoft, where he thrives and enjoys the support of his great colleagues. In his spare time, he likes to exercise, work on his all too many personal projects, and spend time with friends and family.

You can follow him at his Twitter profile: @JonANygaard.

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