Setting up the Ionic framework and Cordova for Windows

Once you have installed Node.js, install Ionic on your Windows machine. The rest should be straightforward.

Open the command prompt and check whether you have npm installed by running the following command:


Once you have ensured that you have successfully installed npm, you can go ahead and run the following command:

npm install -g ionic

This step should result in an output, which shows that you have successfully installed Ionic.

In order to install Cordova, you can also use npm and run the following command:

npm install -g cordova

Once you receive a successful output, you can go ahead and start setting up the platform dependencies.


An experimental setup for Windows:

In Windows, you will have the opportunity to set up a Vagrant package, which is a one-stop-shop for the installation of Ionic on your Windows machine. This is accessible at box.

Setting up the platform dependencies

To set up the platform dependencies, you need to install Java, which is explained in the following section.

Installing Java

If you do not have Java installed or if your version is below 6.0, install the Java JDK by heading over to, a customized and shortened link, and choosing the version that applies to you.

The main recommendation for these projects is that you install a version of JDK 6.0 or higher.

Select the JDK for your OS. On an Intel-based Mac, you can use the following useful table to check whether your Mac is a 32- or 64-bit OS.

You can check for Processor Name by clicking on the Apple logo in the top-left corner of your screen, followed by About my Mac:

Processor Name

32- or 64-bit

Intel Core Solo

32 bit

Intel Core Duo

32 bit

Intel Core 2 Duo

64 bit

Intel Quad-Core Xeon

64 bit

Dual-Core Intel Xeon

64 bit

Quad-Core Intel Xeon

64 bit

Core i3

64 bit

Core i5

64 bit

Core i7

64 bit

In the case of Windows, if you have a machine that was purchased in the last few years, you should go for the x64 (64-bit) version.

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