About the Authors

Stefan Buttigieg is a medical doctor, mobile developer, and entrepreneur. He graduated as a doctor of medicine and surgery from the University of Malta. He is currently enrolled at the University of Sheffield, where he is pursuing a master's degree in health informatics. He has more than 5 years of experience working in international medical students' organizations, where he occupied various technical positions. He founded MD Geeks, an online community that brings together health professionals, developers, and entrepreneurs from around the world to share their passion for the intersection of healthcare and information technology. He is mostly interested in mobile development, especially for the Android and iOS platforms, open source healthcare projects, user interface design, mobile user experience, and project management.

Milorad Jevdjenic is a programmer, open source enthusiast, and entrepreneur. He studied computer science at the University of Gothenburg with a focus on formal verification methods. Currently, he works as a software developer in the medical sector and also does independent commercial and pro bono consulting. Milorad is passionate about technology. He looks upon open source, and open standards in particular, as the fundamental drivers that are needed to build better societies. When he is not on the computer tinkering with code, he enjoys hiking, sports, and fine whiskey.

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