Chapter 7. Performance Tuning and Monitoring

Performance is a critical requirement for many applications. Each component in the communication flow between the components in a system impacts performance, including the message broker. In this chapter, we will focus our attention on optimizing and monitoring the performance of the RabbitMQ message broker and using various benchmarks to compare RabbitMQ against other brokers.

The following topics will be covered in this chapter:

  • Performance tuning of RabbitMQ instances
  • Monitoring RabbitMQ instances
  • Comparing RabbitMQ with other message brokers

Performance tuning of RabbitMQ instances

Tuning the performance of a system is, in many cases, a nontrivial process that is conducted gradually over time. This also applies to the message broker itself. The RabbitMQ team has done a pretty good job in optimizing the various bits and pieces of the broker over time. One such example is topic exchanges. Version 2.4.0 significantly improved the performance of message routing from topic exchanges using a tire data structure. Another one is the significant improvement in performance predictability in version 2.8.1 during the heavy loading of the message broker due to improved memory management. However, there are many scenarios that require the tuning of the broker based on the usage patterns and properties of the system, as we shall see in this chapter.

To understand better how to tune the performance of our broker, let's take a look at the standard three-tier broker setup:

Performance tuning of RabbitMQ instances

We can consider performance tuning at each level of message passing as follows:

  • The sender may decide to optimize the way it establishes the connection to the broker (the number of channels created, usage of multiple threads for the creation of channels, and sending of messages), the size of the messages (whether the compression or batching of messages is proper), whether to use AMQP transactions or publisher confirms (which may hit message performance in terms of reliable delivery—reliability typically always implies a trade-off for performance), and message TTL (time to live).
  • The network link between the sender/consumer and broker might be an issue. While in systems where RabbitMQ is a component that provides loosely-coupled communication between the system components running on the same server or server cluster, network links may not be an issue, but if we use RabbitMQ to process messages being sent from a system on a remote network, this may be an issue. In this case, it is a shared responsibility between the AMQP client and server to tune the way channels are created in a connection or the size of messages processed in the channel. One possible solution would be to establish a dedicated line between the sender/consumer and broker. Network tuning may improve the communication link; network optimizations are out of scope for this chapter.
  • Broker optimizations are for focus points when we discuss performance tuning in terms of RabbitMQ. This involves a number of aspects such as memory management, CPU utilization (in terms of multiple cores), storage of persistent and transient messages on the disk, faster execution of Erlang code from the RabbitMQ broker, impact of node synchronization and queue mirroring in a cluster, per queue message TTL customization, queue creation/deletion rates, message sending/consumption rates, and complexity of binding key patterns.
  • The consumer may use similar optimization techniques as the sender with the addition of broker subscription management (such as preventing excessive subscriptions to the broker).

To check the performance load, you need to prepare a maximum-sized volume of messages of the expected size to send for the processing and measuring of latency and throughput. Let's kick off our performance tuning guide by taking into account these considerations.

Memory usage

Persistent messages are always written to the disk once they arrive on a queue, while transient messages will be written to the disk under high memory consumption (based on the memory limit specified for use by the RabbitMQ broker instance). Each disk operation slows down the message processing. By default, RabbitMQ is configured to use up to 40% of the physical RAM on the machine on which an instance runs; although this is not guaranteed as it only implies a threshold at which publishers are notified to slow down message sending (throttled). Be careful to set the parameter properly in case multiple RabbitMQ instances are running on the same physical/virtual machine. Assuming that you have a single instance running per workstation, you can increase the parameter so that RabbitMQ may consume more memory for its queues. This can be done either in the RabbitMQ configuration file or using the rabbitmqctl utility as follows:

rabbitmqctl set_vm_memory_high_watermark 0.7

You should see a message that tells you whether the memory threshold has been set successfully:

Setting memory threshold on rabbit@DOMAIN to 0.7 ...

In this case, we are assuming that a single instance is running on the workstation and there are no other applications running on the same server. In case you run a cluster of three nodes on the same machine, you may want to set the parameter to each of them to something less than 0.33 (for example, 0.25):

rabbitmqctl set_vm_memory_high_watermark 0.25
rabbitmqctl -n instance1 set_vm_memory_high_watermark 0.25
rabbitmqctl -n instance2 set_vm_memory_high_watermark 0.25

Before RabbitMQ hits the memory limit in order to start the persistence of messages on the disk (persistent messages are already stored on the disk as they are persisted upon arrival in the queue, but they need to be removed from memory anyway), saving to the disk starts earlier (by default, when 50% of the maximum memory limit is reached). To change this threshold (let's say, to 80%), you need to set the vm_memory_high_watermark_paging_ratio parameter per each RabbitMQ node as follows:

rabbitmqctl eval "application:set_env(rabbit, vm_memory_high_watermark_paging_ratio, 0.8). "

You can also set the parameter in the RabbitMQ configuration file before the node is started. The memory consumption in the broker is affected by the number of client connections, number of queues and messages in each of them, enabled plugins and the amount of memory that they use, in-memory Mnesia metadata and message store index, and the additional amount of memory used by the Erlang VM.

Faster runtime execution

Erlang supports the HiPE (High Performance Erlang) compilation for some platforms that improves the performance of message processing by the RabbitMQ broker. (At the time of writing, this was still in the experimental phase.) The HiPe compiler is pretty similar in comparison to a server Java virtual machine—more native optimizations are done on the startup of the server Java application resulting in an improved runtime execution. In many scenarios, the start up time of the RabbitMQ broker may not be critical so HiPe compilation may be a good optimization. Behind the scenes, the Erlang VM precompiles the RabbitMQ modules by passing the [native] parameter to the compiler that triggers the HiPE compilation. On some platforms, however (such as Windows at the time of writing), the HiPE compilation is not supported. In order to enable the HiPE compilation for RabbitMQ, you can set the hipe_compile parameter to true in the RabbitMQ configuration file. In case the HiPE compilation is not enabled for the particular platform where the RabbitMQ instances are running, you will get a message in the instance logs that the HiPE compilation is not performed.

Message size

Smaller messages can improve the latency (time to process a single message) and throughput (message rate per period of time). To reduce the message size, you can use a proper format for the marshalling and unmarshalling of messages, for example, JSON instead of XML. Try to avoid additional information as part of the message in order to reduce the size of the message further.

The maximum frame size of messages

A frame is a basic unit of data transfer in the AMQP protocol. There are different types of AMQP frames used to establish the AMQP protocol life cycle. The transfer frame is particularly used to transfer the message data between the RabbitMQ broker and clients. The size of the message frame can affect the latency and throughout. Typically, this value should not be changed but in case you have messages bigger than 128 MB (the default maximum frame size), then message fragmentation occurs—the message is split into multiple frames. The more fragmentation there is, the less throughout there is for the messages. The minimum size of frames in RabbitMQ is 4 KB. Although the smaller maximum size of frames may degrade the throughput, it may improve the latency, but you need to measure the performance of your setup. To change the maximum frame size, you can set the frame_max parameter to a particular value (in bytes) in the RabbitMQ configuration file.

The maximum number of channels

The number of channels created from a connection to the RabbitMQ server can affect the performance. An application can achieve better throughput if more channels are used, and the application uses a channel-per-thread approach to send messages. However, the more channels there are in the RabbitMQ message broker, the more memory is consumed. To set the maximum number of channels that an application can use, use the channel_max parameter in the RabbitMQ configuration file. The default value is zero meaning that there is no limit for the number of channels that an application can create.

Connection heartbeats

Connection heartbeats provide a mechanism to detect a dead TCP connection from the client (sender/consumer) and RabbitMQ broker. The mechanism works by setting a heartbeat timeout from the RabbitMQ client. (By default, it is set to 580 seconds, which can be a pretty big timeout depending on your messaging use cases.) The RabbitMQ server sends a heartbeat frame to the client and waits for a response. If either side of the connection detects that more than two heartbeats have been missed, then a TCP connection is detected that can be typically handled by the client by catching a proper exception (MissedHeartbeatException is thrown by the RabbitMQ Java client). A heartbeat is sent every timeout/2 period of time. The heartbeat timeout can be changed by either setting the heartbeat parameter in the RabbitMQ configuration file or using a proper method in the RabbitMQ client library to set a value for the heartbeat period before creating a connection to the broker. Make sure that the heartbeat is set to at least a few seconds as the performance can degrade (especially in cases when the broker performs intense message processing).

Clustering and high availability

Clustering can affect the performance of the broker in terms of several different aspects. Heartbeats cannot be sent only between the clients and RabbitMQ broker but also between nodes in a RabbitMQ cluster in order to detect node availability. The net_ticktime parameter specifies the frequency of sending heartbeat messages between nodes in the cluster. The default value is 60 seconds, which means that a heartbeat is being sent roughly every 15 seconds (four times per net_ticktime period). Decreasing this value to just a few seconds in a large cluster can have a slight effect on the performance of the cluster. This applies to cluster_keepalive_interval that is used to send keepalive messages from a node to all the other nodes in the cluster and indicates that the node is up (the default is 10,000 milliseconds). A much larger value than 60 seconds imposes a risk of detecting a dead node too late in time.

Another factor could be the rate of exchange/queue creation and deletion in a cluster. As every queue creates a new Erlang process and the information about the queue must be synchronized with all the nodes in the cluster, this can consume additional resources and decrease the performance. Imagine that you have a large number of queues and exchanges being created in a cluster, each one of them creates a separate Erlang process on the cluster node on which it is created, and information about each queue must propagate to each node in the cluster using Erlang message passing. Each cluster node needs to persist the information about the exchanges, queues, and other items in the cluster on the disk (depending on the type of node). Now, imagine that you have a large cluster and each queue being created/deleted is mirrored over all the nodes in the cluster, then you have a recipe for performance issues.

The following is a short list of guidelines considering the performance in terms of clustering and high availability:

  • Try to minimize the number of exchanges and queues created and deleted in a RabbitMQ cluster.
  • If you have a large enough number of disk nodes and you want to scale, you can add RAM nodes instead of DISK nodes in order to improve the performance in terms of exchange/queue creation.
  • Mirror a queue on several other nodes in the cluster rather than all the nodes in the cluster. The replication factor depends on your reliability constraints, but replicating the queue contents over all the nodes in the cluster can hit the performance seriously, especially when you have a large RabbitMQ cluster.
  • Choose carefully which queues need to be mirrored and avoid the mirroring of queues that need to imply message reliability.
  • Last but not least, try to distribute the queues evenly among the nodes in a cluster.

QoS prefetching

If you have been sending messages to a queue and one or a few consumers subscribe to this queue, the consumers may try to fetch and buffer a large number of messages for consumption before sending any acknowledgments, which can actually drain resources on the consumer node and slow it down. To prevent this, you can use the basic.qos operation during the channel creation (when creating the channel from the client) to specify the maximum number of messages that can be prefetched (buffered) by a consumer before they are acknowledged. For example, using the Java client, you can set the prefetch count to 50 per channel consumer using the following line of code:


A channel can have a prefetch count limit regardless of the number of consumers:

channel.basicQos(100, true);

The general recommendation is to set a higher prefetch count (for example, 40 or 50) in order to improve the performance. However, a large prefetch count can prevent the event distribution of messages among the consumers and so the value must be tuned with caution.

Message persistence

Message persistence in RabbitMQ also affects the processing time for messages. We already discussed that transient and persistent messages need to be persisted on the disk by RabbitMQ. The persistence layer in RabbitMQ provides a message store to store messages on the disk and also a queue index to keep information about the location of a message in a queue and additional information (for example, whether the message has been acknowledged or not) in memory. When under memory pressure, the queue index may still preserve small messages in-memory and flush only large messages to the message store. The default size of messages that RabbitMQ tries to keep in-memory is 4 kilobytes and is specified by the queue_index_embed_msgs_below parameter, which can be modified in the RabbitMQ configuration file. Setting a larger value of the parameter can allow you to store more messages in-memory, thus reducing IO operations. However, as each queue index points to a segment file held in-memory that can store 16, 384, increasing the value of the queue_index_embed_msgs_below parameter even slightly may increase the memory consumption drastically on the broker with regard to improved performance. Another way that the performance might be affected based on your scenario would be using a custom backing store that allows you to store messages in a manner different from the default backing store that writes them to the disk. This can either improve or decrease the performance of your message broker. In Chapter 10, Internals we will demonstrate how to write a RabbitMQ plugin that uses a custom database as a message store for RabbitMQ.

For more information about message persistence and backing stores used in RabbitMQ, you can review the following posts from the RabbitMQ documentation:

Mnesia transaction logs

The Mnesia database used by RabbitMQ supports the atomicity of operations via transactions. Each transaction log is stored in the memory before being flushed to the disk (in the database itself) and this is performed periodically by Mnesia. This can affect the performance due to the number of disk writes. To reduce disk writes, you can increase the size of the transaction log entries kept by Mnesia in-memory by setting the dump_log_write_threshold parameter in the configuration file (default value is 100).

Acknowledgements, transactions and publisher confirms

In case you release the reliability constraints, you can improve the performance by avoiding the usage of message acknowledgements, AMQP transactions, and publisher confirms. In case this is not acceptable, you can at least release some constraints. For publishers, you can use publisher confirms for a batch of messages. For consumers, you can send a single acknowledgment (using the basic.ack AMQL command) for multiple messages by specifying a multiple flag set to true and delivery_tag set to 0 rather than sending an acknowledgement for each message separately. Prefer publisher confirms instead of AMQP transactions for much better performance.

Message routing

The performance can be hit not only by the complexity of the binding key, but also by the type of exchange that you use. Topic exchanges are slower than direct or fanout exchanges, and a headers exchange can be slower than a direct exchange that is dependent on the number of message keys used to determine where a message will be routed by the headers exchange. A headers exchange can be slower than a topic exchange. In case both types of exchanges are an option for your messaging scenario, make sure that you measure the performance using both types of exchanges.

Queue creation/deletion

We already discussed that queue creation and deletion might be one of the factors that affects the performance in terms of synchronization between nodes in a cluster. There are other queue parameters that can affect the performance (both running a single node and cluster). Queues can be created with the auto-delete flag set to true. For example, using the Java client and an already created channel, you can declare sample_queue as auto-delete:

channel.queueDeclare("sample_queue", false, false, true, null);

If the queue does not have any consumers, it is never deleted. However, after the already existing subscribers are removed (either unsubscribed from the queue or dropped due to a connection failure), then the queue is automatically deleted and must be created again. If you have a large number of such queues, then intensive queue creation and deletion can affect message processing. You can also achieve the same effect by setting a rather small value for the queue TTL (Time-to-live), fro example, just a few milliseconds. In this case, after there are no consumers and no operations to retrieve a message from the queue have been performed for the specified TTL period of time, then the queue is dropped. The following example sets a TTL of just five milliseconds on the sample_queue queue when it is declared using the x-expires parameter. Note that you can set it as a policy for all the queues using the rabbitmqctl utility as well; refer to the RabbitMQ documentation.

Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<String, Object>();
args.put("x-expires", 5).
channel.queueDeclare("sample_queue", false, false, false, args)

Queue message TTL

In order to avoid the saturation of a queue, which can slow down the processing of subsequent messages and increase the risk of overconsumption when one or more consumers are present as we already saw in QoS prefetching, we can set a per-queue message TTL. The following example sets a message TTL for the sample_queue queue using the x-message-ttl parameter set to two minutes:

Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<String, Object>();
args.put("x-message-ttl", 120000).
channel.queueDeclare("sample_queue", false, false, false, args);

You can also set a per-message TTL but this will not solve the problem with queue saturation as messages stay in the queue even after their TTL has expired and are dropped when they reach the top of the queue (just before being consumed).


Alarms are triggered by the RabbitMQ broker when memory or disk size limits are exceeded. We already saw how to configure memory usage using set_vm_memory_high_watermark. This parameter also specifies when producer throttling (intentional slowing down of message sending) takes place. Producer connection can also be blocked entirely in case a memory goes critically high; the management UI shows this condition in the Connections tab for the blocked connections. Disk size can also be an issue for the performance. By default, RabbitMQ requires at least 50 MB of free disk space on the location of the RabbitMQ message store. If this threshold is hit, the throttling of the producers and connection blocking starts taking place. A general recommendation from the RabbitMQ documentation is to set the minimum free disk size to the amount of memory installed on the machine. To do this, you can set the disk_free_limit parameter in the RabbitMQ configuration file. You can also set a value relative to the amount of memory on the machine by setting disk_free_limit to {mem_relative, 1.0}. You should, however, check the RabbitMQ log files on the particular node to make sure that RabbitMQ has managed to detect the size of the memory on the machine properly. For example, on an 8 GB machine with a default setting of 40% for the maximum memory limit for use by the broker, you can see something similar to the following:

Memory limit set to 3241MB of 8104MB total.

You can also use the rabbitmqctl utility to check the current setting of the disk_free_limit and set_vm_memory_high_watermark parameters:

rabbitmqctl status

This outputs a lot of additional information such as the number of used file descriptors, used Erlang processes, and so on:


If a memory or disk alarm has been raised, this will be displayed as part of the preceding output; if no alarms have been triggered, the parameter is an empty list:


Now, you can see that when a memory or disk alarm triggers, the performance can slow down drastically. So, apart from a decent amount of memory and large enough limit of maximum memory for use by the broker, you also need a decent amount of disk space to store transient and persistent messages along with a proper setting of the minimum disk free space threshold taken into consideration by the message broker.

Network tuning

The RabbitMQ documentation mentions several network improvements that can increase the message throughput with the most significant one being the TCP buffer size. The operating system typically allocates memory automatically for a TCP connection buffer, but you can explicitly specify the size of the TCP buffer used by RabbitMQ connections using the RabbitMQ configuration. Another factor is Nagle's algorithm that provides you with more efficient handling of really small TCP packets. However, the algorithm can typically be disabled in case you don't send small-sized TCP packets as this can even decrease the performance. The following configuration of the tcp_listen_options parameter in the RabbitMQ configuration sets the TCP buffers for the publisher/consumer connections to 256 KB and disables the Nagle's algorithm explicitly (it is disabled by default in the later versions of RabbitMQ clients but can be enabled when creating a connection from the client). For example, ConnectionFactory in the Java client uses a SocketConfigurator instance to configure the TCP socket to connect to the broker and disables the algorithm by default on the socket with socket.setTcpNoDelay(true):

  {nodelay,   true}  
  {sndbuf,    262144},
  {recbuf,    262144}

In case you have a large number of connections, you can set this value to a smaller value and also increase the number of file handles used by the RabbitMQ instance. To do this, you can use the ulimit command in Linux before starting up your Rabbit instance. The following example sets the maximum open files handle to 65536:

ulimit -n 65536

Another tuning option suggested by the RabbitMQ documentation is the size of the Erlang thread pool used to handle IO operations. A general recommendation is to use at least 12 threads per core. To set a value, you can set the following environment variable prior to starting the broker (in this example, we set the value to 96 for an eight-core machine):


However, you don't have any guarantees that increasing the value will improve the throughput; you need to do the proper measurements.

Client tuning

You can improve the publisher/consumer performance in terms of message publishing or message consumption using more threads to create channels to the message broker. In terms of consumers, you must be careful when you share a channel among multiple threads (each using a separate set of queues) and you have QoS enabled for the shared channels. This can introduce unpredictable behavior among the consumers. Another case is when you have multiple subscriptions from different threads and you need to acknowledge multiple messages at once, this requires proper coordination among consumer threads, which will increase the complexity of your consumer.

Performance testing

We already discussed a variety of tuning options and we can use this knowledge to create a proper strategy for the performance tuning of our RabbitMQ instance/cluster. The process can be divided roughly into two phases executed iteratively:

  • Perform a RabbitMQ optimization as suggested in the previous sections, such as changing a configuration parameter, policy, or a routing pattern, reducing the message size, or increasing system resources such as RAM or disk space (along with tuning of the proper RabbitMQ parameters).
  • Measure the performance of your broker's setup and see if the performance improves. Always consider conducting performance tests on the maximum performance limits in non-peak hours even with the risk of crashing your system.

An ideal scenario would be if you have a test environment that mimics your production environment as closely as possible, and you can measure the performance over this setup and apply settings to the real environment without disrupting users or, even better, have a load balancer that would allow you to measure and tune the performance on only one node/cluster while the other nodes/clusters continue to operate normally. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, so you may need to do performance measurements and load testing directly on your production environment—better finding a bottleneck sooner than discovering it later the hard way. When conducting performance testing, you can consider the following basic factors and do proper combinations on any of them (based on your use cases):

  • The size of messages
  • The number of messages
  • The type of messages (transient/persistent)
  • The number of connections
  • The number of channels
  • The number of producers and consumers
  • The ratio of the number of producers and consumers
  • The number of pre-existing messages in a queue or set of queues

Typically, you try to use a tool that suits your own needs in terms of performance testing or use an already existing one. We will first briefly cover the PerfTest Java utility that comes with the RabbitMQ Java client and see how to use it in order to conduct performance measurements of our RabbitMQ message broker setup. Then, we will see how to build our own tool on top of PerfTest in order to execute performance tests against our current message broker setup in a loosely coupled manner (independent of the message broker implementation) and see later how to extend this tool with support for additional message brokers.

You can download the RabbitMQ Java client by cloning the rabbitmq-codegen and rabbitmq-java-client GitHub repository. You also need to install Python 2.x and the latest version of Ant in order to build the Java client (Python 3.x is not supported at the time of writing this book). To download and build the project after you have installed Python and Ant, execute the following:

git clone
git clone
cd rabbitmq-java-client
ant dist

You can then either include the rabbitmq-java-VERSION JAR in the build path of your project (and use it with a testing library such as JUnit or TestNG to build your performance test suite or build a custom tool on top of it) or execute the PerfTest utility directly from the command line and observe statistics. The following example shows the available options for the PerfTest utility in Windows (in a Linux distribution, you can use the script alternatively):

cd build/dist com.rabbitmq.examples.PerfTest –help

As you can see, it takes into account many of the factors that can affect the performance and we already covered this in this section. In addition, it allows you to set different criteria to conduct performance measurements including the prefilling of queues with messages. It lacks features for the testing of the performance in a cluster, such as setting up mirroring policies or precreating multiple queues with proper distribution over the cluster nodes. However, you can easily build your own tool on top of PerfTest that does that for you. Let's assume that we have our three-node RabbitMQ local cluster up and running. The tool performs the following functions:

  • It starts up a number of consumers in separate consumer threads; only one consumer is started by default
  • It starts up a number of producers in separate producer threads; only one producer is started by default
  • It starts sending messages from the producers and consuming them from the consumers
  • It displays the collected statistics for the time period (starting with one second) and the number of sent and consumed messages for this period along with the minimum, average, and maximum latency for a message

Before running the tool, you must take into account several important facts:

  • If you specify the number of messages to the publisher, be sure to specify the same or smaller number of messages to be consumed from the consumers; otherwise, the tool will hang and will not display any statistics (at least one consumer will still be waiting for messages). For example, if you have one producer and you want to send 10,000 messages to two consumers, you must specify a value of 50,000 or less for the consumer message count.
  • If you specify the number of messages to the producer, be sure to specify a large enough amount of messages (that will require more than a second of processing) in order to get accurate statistics; for a small amount of messages, PerfTest will not give you accurate statistics.

The following example runs the tool with auto-acknowledgment by sending messages from a single producer and binding a single consumer:

cd build/dist
runjava.bat com.rabbitmq.examples.PerfTest -a

We can observe the following result:

starting consumer #0
starting producer #0
time: 1.000s, sent: 23959 msg/s, received: 20884 msg/s, min/avg/max latency: 210
/65998/93740 microseconds
time: 2.000s, sent: 51274 msg/s, received: 51371 msg/s, min/avg/max latency: 495
19/59427/94140 microseconds
time: 3.000s, sent: 53224 msg/s, received: 52846 msg/s, min/avg/max latency: 487
12/57278/68175 microseconds
time: 4.000s, sent: 53228 msg/s, received: 53752 msg/s, min/avg/max latency: 477
22/56663/65392 microseconds
time: 5.000s, sent: 53878 msg/s, received: 53533 msg/s, min/avg/max latency: 487
26/57483/70630 microseconds

You can see that after the first second, we produce and consume roughly about 52,000 messages per second with auto-acknowledgement enabled. Now, let's execute the same test with the acknowledgment of each message from the consumer:

runjava.bat com.rabbitmq.examples.PerfTest

We can observe the following result:

starting consumer #0
starting producer #0
time: 1.000s, sent: 15088 msg/s, received: 11151 msg/s, min/avg/max latency: 262
6/133696/214058 microseconds
time: 2.001s, sent: 25932 msg/s, received: 23126 msg/s, min/avg/max latency: 137
341/213911/272298 microseconds
time: 3.001s, sent: 26605 msg/s, received: 22065 msg/s, min/avg/max latency: 249
500/333672/455356 microseconds
time: 4.002s, sent: 22690 msg/s, received: 19948 msg/s, min/avg/max latency: 444
164/570170/643165 microseconds
time: 5.002s, sent: 24013 msg/s, received: 20410 msg/s, min/avg/max latency: 562
357/654099/717019 microseconds

You can see now that the performance drops more than twice (roughly about 21,000 messages per second) with acknowledgments from the consumer, which is a significant performance hit. Let's also make messages persistent before running the performance measurement:

runjava.bat com.rabbitmq.examples.PerfTest -f persistent

We can observe the following result:

starting consumer #0
starting producer #0
time: 1.004s, sent: 11297 msg/s, received: 6623 msg/s, min/avg/max latency: 3168
/227397/373579 microseconds
time: 2.006s, sent: 15388 msg/s, received: 11577 msg/s, min/avg/max latency: 338
389/456810/586714 microseconds
time: 3.006s, sent: 13493 msg/s, received: 10476 msg/s, min/avg/max latency: 570
519/711663/886369 microseconds
time: 4.006s, sent: 12850 msg/s, received: 9844 msg/s, min/avg/max latency: 8203
60/1052631/1172428 microseconds
time: 5.010s, sent: 14719 msg/s, received: 11384 msg/s, min/avg/max latency: 113
1484/1183177/1235015 microseconds

This is even worse: about 10,000 messages per second when message persistence takes place. You can specify further options such as publisher confirms, number of consumers/producers, messages, and others depending on your setup and messaging requirements.

The following example allows you to predict what would be the relative time to produce and consume 1,000,000 messages of size 4 KB using a single producer and consumer without acknowledgments:

runjava.bat com.rabbitmq.examples.PerfTest -a -C 1000000 -D 1000000 -s 4096

On the sample three-node RabbitMQ cluster, it took about 20 seconds to process all the messages.

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