Problems with message delivery

In certain broker configurations, it may happen that the messages are not delivered as expected. This could either be due to a misconfigured queue TTL, or a poor network combined with the lack of publisher confirms, or AMQP transactions to support reliable delivery. To inspect what is going on with messages in the broker, you can install the Firehose plugin that allows you to inspect the traffic flowing through the message broker. You should be careful when enabling the plugin in a production environment as it may slow down the performance due to the additional messages that it sends to the amq.rabbitmq.trace exchange for each message entering the broker and each message exiting it. The plugin is enabled for a particular node and vhost. The RabbitMQ Tracer plugin builds on top of the Firehose plugin and provides a user interface to capture and trace messages. You can review the additional configuration options for both the plugins in the RabbitMQ documentation.

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