Overview of RabbitMQ components

Before we dive into more details on the separate components of the message broker and their implementation, you can refer to Appendix A, Contributing to RabbitMQ on how to get the RabbitMQ source code so that you can review it as we move through the components and also how to install useful tools that will aid in Erlang development and RabbitMQ plugin development, in particular.

Boot component

The RabbitMQ boot component provides one of the key mechanisms in the message broker that allows the plugins to require certain steps from the RabbitMQ server in order to ensure that the components that they depend on are already loaded and it also allows the plugins to be installed and enabled in the RabbitMQ message broker. For this reason, it is advisable to write plugins with caution as they can crash the message broker if they are not implemented properly. Before the RabbitMQ boot mechanism is triggered, the common rabbit_sup process supervisor (the root of the RabbitMQ process tree) is started by calling the rabbit_sup:start_link() method from the start/2 method in the rabbit module. After the process supervisor starts, a series of boot steps are executed by calling the rabbit_boot_steps:run_boot_steps() method. The boot steps are divided into groups, as follows:

  • external_infrastructure: This prepares the infrastructure for the RabbitMQ server (such as, worker pool, file handle cache, and Mnesia database)
  • kernel_ready: This initializes the core functionality of the message broker (such as plug-in registry, message logging, and statistics collection)
  • core_intialized: This initializes the additional functions of the message broker (such as memory alarms, distribution of messages among queues, cluster node notifications, and memory monitoring)
  • routing_ready: This initializes more startup activities (such as recovery of queues, exchanges and bindings, and initialization of queue mirrors)
  • final steps: This performs the final startup activities (such as error log initialization, initialization of TCP listeners for configured interfaces, initialization of processes that are used to handle client connection, and sending of notifications to join the current RabbitMQ cluster)

The steps are organized in a directed acyclic graph and each step may specify predecessor steps that may be executed first and successor steps that might be execute after the current step. For example, the following boot step is used to add mirrors to the queues based on the mirroring policies that are defined in the message broker:

                   [{description, "adding mirrors to queues"},
                    {mfa, {rabbit_mirror_queue_misc, on_node_up, []}},
                    {requires, recovery},
                    {enables, routing_ready}]}).

It requires the recovery step to be executed beforehand and enables the execution of the routing_ready step. The routing_ready step represents a group (and all other groups that are mentioned earlier are represented as steps):

                   [{description, "message delivery logic ready"},
                    {requires, core_initialized}]}).

Each group step represents a barrier for the execution of steps from the next group. In the preceding example, the routing_ready group requires the core_initialized step to have been completed (and the core_initialized step will finish after all the steps that enable the core_initialized have finished executing).

The sequence of steps that are executed during the boot process is as follows:

  • The external_infrastructure group steps are as follow:
    • codec_correctness_check: This checks whether the AMQP binary generator is working correctly and is able to generate the correct AMQP frames.
    • rabbit_alarm: This enables the RabbitMQ alarm handlers (disk and memory); when the memory grows beyond a threshold or disk space drops below a limit, alarms are triggered in order to notify the broker that it must block subsequent connections to the broker.
    • database: This prepares the Mnesia database.
    • database_sync: This starts the mnesia_sync process.
    • file_handle_cache: This handles file read/write synchronization.
    • worker_pool: This provides a mechanism to limit the maximum parallelism for a job (jobs can be executed synchronously or asynchronously). It is used for some operations in the message broker, such as executing transactions in the Mnesia database.
  • The kernel_ready group steps are shown in the following:
    • rabbit_registry: This starts a registry that stores the plugin information along with the corresponding Erlang modules for the registered plugins.
    • rabbit_event: This starts the event notifications process that is used for the statistics collection.
  • The following are the core_initialized group steps:
    • rabbit_memory_monitor: This starts the rabbit_memory_monitor process.
    • guid_generator: This starts the rabbit_guid process that provides a service for the generation of unique random numbers across the RabbitMQ service instance that is used for various purposes (such as use in autogenerated queue names).
    • delegate_sup: This starts a process manager that is used to spread the tasks among child processes (for example, to send a message from an exchange to one or more queues).
    • rabbit_node_monitor: This starts the rabbit_node_monitor process.
    • rabbit_epmd_monitor: This starts the rabbit_epmd_monitor process.
  • The routing_ready group steps are as follows:
    • empty_db_check: This verifies that the Mnesia database runs fine and if necessary, inserts the default database data (such as guest/guest user and default vhost).
    • recovery: This recovers the bindings between exchanges and queues and starts the queues.
    • mirrored_queues: This adds mirrors to queues, as defined by the mirroring policies.
  • The following are the final boot steps:
    • log_relay step: This starts the rabbit_error_logger process.
    • direct_client: This starts the supervisor tree that takes care of accepting direct client connections.
    • networking: This starts up the tcp_listener_sup handlers for each combination of TCP interface/port that will accept incoming connections for the message broker.
    • notify_cluster: This notifies the current cluster that a node is started.
    • background_gc: This starts the background_gc process that provides a service to force garbage collection on demand.

As additional reading on the boot process of RabbitMQ, the entries from the following GitHub repository at https://github.com/videlalvaro/rabbit-internals can be reviewed.

Plug-in loader component

Plugin's loading is triggered by the broker_start() method in the rabbit module once the boot steps of the message broker has finished executing. To recall briefly, the following table lists the configuration properties that are related to RabbitMQ plugins:


The directory where RabbitMQ plugins are found


The directory where the enabled RabbitMQ plugins are expanded before starting the messaging server


The location of the file that specifies which plugins are enabled

The start() method of the rabbit_plugins module is called and it clears the plugins expand directory, reads a list of the enabled plugins from the enabled plugins file, reads the location of the RabbitMQ plugin directory, builds a dependency graph from the list of all the plugins in that directory from where the enabled plugins and their dependencies are retrieved, and finally, they are unzipped to the plugins expand directory. The start_apps() method that uses the app_utils module is then called in order to load the plugins; the application module (module that implements the application behavior) of each plugin is loaded and the start() method of the plugins application is called.

Recovery component

For the recovery component, we will understand two particular steps from the boot process, as follows:

  1. queue, exchange and binding recovery: This is provided by the retrieves information about the items from Mnesia such as durable queues and exchanges along with the bindings between them and starts the queues. For this purpose, the recover() method from the rabbit_policy, rabbit_amqqueue, rabbit_binding, and rabbit_exchange modules are used. The rabbit_amqqueue module recovers queues by first retrieving durable queues from the Mnesia database. Then, two processes for transient and persistent message storing (represented by the rabbit_msg_store module) are started and bound to the rabbit_sup supervisor process (this is done by calling the start() method from the rabbit_variable_queue default backing module). After this, a queue supervisor of all the queue-related supervisors from the rabbit_amqqueue_sup_sup module is started. Finally, the durable queues are recovered by starting a rabbit_amqqueue_sup queue supervisor process for each queue (from the rabbit_amqqueue_sup_sup supervisor, which specifies the child specification for the child processes in its init() method). Each queue supervisor process starts one queue process (represented by the rabbit_amqqueue_process module) and one queue slave process for queue mirroring (represented by the rabbit_mirror_queue_slave module). Once the recovery is completed, the start() method from the rabbit_amqqueue module is invoked, which triggers the go() method in rabbit_mirror_queue_slave that further invokes (via the gen_server2 module RPC) the handle_go() method. This joins the queue slave process for the particular queue to a group of processes in order to distribute information in a broadcast manner among these processes. This broadcast mechanism is implemented by the gm module (which stands for guaranteed broadcast) that provides the necessary utilities to add/remove a process from a broadcast group and send a broadcast message among nodes in a group in a reliable manner.
  2. Start up of queue mirroring based on the mirroring policies defined for the recovered queues. For this purpose, the on_node_up() method from the rabbit_mirror_queue_misc module is executed. It retrieves the cluster nodes on which to mirror queue messages for each queue based on the defined mirroring policies. The rabbit_mirror_* modules implement the logic for queue mirroring using master-slave semantics.

The following diagram depicts the process subtree for the queue-related processes and their supervisors:

Recovery component

Persistence component

We will divide the persistence component into metadata persistence and message persistence subcomponents.

Metadata persistence

In the boot process, we have a chain for the initialization of the Mnesia databases along with the relevant RabbitMQ tables. In earlier chapters, we discussed that the transient and persistent message stores are separated from the Mnesia tables, which store the information about object definitions (such as exchanges, queues, and bindings). The rabbit_mnesia module is initialized during the boot process and provides utilities to start and stop the Mnesia database, check whether the database is running, and transfer metadata among cluster nodes. It also handles the creation of the Mnesia schema along with the RabbitMQ tables by means of the rabbit_table module. The rabbit_table module provides definitions of the RabbitMQ tables. The following is a list of the RabbitMQ Mnesia tables:

  • rabbit_user
  • rabbit_user_permission
  • rabbit_vhost
  • rabbit_listener
  • rabbit_durable_route
  • rabbit_semi_durable_route
  • rabbit_route,
  • rabbit_reverse_route
  • rabbit_topic_trie_node
  • rabbit_topic_trie_edge
  • rabbit_topic_trie_binding
  • rabbit_durable_exchange
  • rabbit_exchange
  • rabbit_exchange_serial
  • exchange_name_match
  • rabbit_runtime_parameters
  • rabbit_durable_queue
  • rabbit_queue

The preceding tables are manipulated by means of the mnesia built in the module throughout the RabbitMQ server sources. The rabbit_mnesia module uses the file utilities that are provided by the rabbit_file module.

Message persistence component

First of all, the file handle cache is initialized by the start_fhc() method in the rabbit module. The file handle cache provides a buffer for read/write operations on the disk that manages the available file descriptors among processes that use the file handle cache (readers/writers). You can think of the file handle cache as a service that accepts jobs for read/write operations by means of the with_handle() methods, which accept a function closure providing the execution logic for a file operation and serves as a guard to acquire/release the file handles in order to accomplish that operation. The rabbit_file module uses file_handle_cache to perform disk operations. In the RabbitMQ configuration file, we can specify a backing_queue_module setting, which specifies an Erlang module that provides the queue operations, such as initialization and management of the message store, message processing in the queue (in-memory or on disk), queue purging, and so on. The default implementation is provided by the rabbit_variable_queue module that uses rabbit_msg_store to store transient and persistent messages on the disk. To do so, rabbit_msg_store uses the utilities that are provided by the rabbit_file and file_handle_cache modules.

Networking component

The networking component is initialized during the boot process by calling the boot() method from the rabbit_direct and rabbit_networking modules. The first module starts the rabbit_direct_client_sup supervisor process to handle direct connections to the broker, while the second module starts rabbit_tcp_client_sup to handle the TCP client connections. The rabbit_tcp_client_sup also creates a rabbit_connection_sup supervisor that, on the other hand, creates a rabbit_reader process to process the connections and a helper_sup process (represented by the rabbit_connection_helper_sup module) to create channel supervisors. After that, a TCP listener supervisor is started for each TCP/SSL listener interface. For each TCP/SSL listener supervisor, two child processes are created (their specifications are provided in the init() method of the rabbit_listener_sup method), as follows:

  • A tcp_listener process that accepts connections on a specified port
  • A tcp_acceptor_sup process that creates a number of child acceptor processing to handle incoming socket connections from the tcp_listener process

The following diagram provides an overview of the interaction between the processes that are involved in accepting and processing a TCP connection in the message broker over a single interface:

Networking component

Once an acceptor receives a client connections, it calls the start_client() method for TCP connections or the start_ssl_client() method for SSL connections from the rabbit_networking module to process the incoming connection. The new connection is sent to the rabbit_reader process that starts reading the AMQP messages from the connection. It also provides the semantics to parse the messages and create channel-level processes by means of the helper_sup process. The following diagram provides an overview of the process subtree, originating from the rabbit_tcp_client_sup supervisor:

Networking component

Other components

There are other components provided by the message broker; we briefly covered most of them when we were discussing the boot process of the message broker. In short, these components include the following:

  • Alarm handler module that triggers memory alarms in case of excessive memory consumption; its implementation is provided by the rabbit_alarm module.
  • RabbitMQ plugin registry that provides a service to register plugin modules to the message broker and retrieve information about the plugin modules from the various components of the broker; its implementation is provided by the rabbit_registry module.
  • Statistics event manager that enables gathering of statistics from the message broker; its implementation is provided by the rabbit_event module.
  • Node monitoring provides a mechanism to monitor addition and removal of nodes from a cluster and also track the current cluster status; its implementation is provided by the rabbit_node_monitor module.
  • Memory monitoring provides a mechanism for central collection of statistics that are related to memory consumption in the broker; each queue sends information to the memory monitor upon changes in the queue contents. This allows the memory monitor to track the statistics about the overall memory consumption; its implementation is provided by the rabbit_memory_monitor module.
  • Custom garbage collection process allows components to force Erlang garbage collection for processes that are running in the message broker. garbage collection, in particular, is forced when a memory alarm is triggered; its implementation is provided by the background_gc module.

Developing plug-ins for RabbitMQ

Having seen how the message broker works, it is time to see how to write a plugin for RabbitMQ. It should be stressed again that a poorly written plugin can result in the crashing of the entire broker, therefore, you should be careful when implementing a plugin for the message broker that is intended to be used in production.

There is a public umbrella project that can be used as a starting point in writing a new RabbitMQ plugin. The umbrella project groups a number of sample child projects, which implement different types of plugins that you can use as an example. Refer to Appendix, Contributing to RabbitMQ on tools for Erlang development. In order to get the project from the RabbitMQ repository and check the child projects, execute the following set of commands:

git clone https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-public-umbrella.git
cd rabbitmq-public-umbrella
make co

The rabbitmq_metronome can be used as a starting point as it provides a very basic functionality to send a message to the metronome topic exchange every second. It consists of an application class, a single process supervisor, and the actual process that performs the logic of the plugin. For development purpose, you can create a link from the plugins directory of your message broker to the root location of the plugin. Then, you can build the plugin with the following command:


In order to test the plugin, you can start the message broker as shown in the following:

make run-broker
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