Exploring the $A.Util APIs

The following table shows supported Util functions:

Util Class Description  Example Code
addClass (Object elementString newClass)

Adds a CSS class to a component.

var myCmp = component.find("myCmp"); $A.util.addClass(myCmp, "myClass");

getBooleanValue (object val): Boolean Coerces truthy and falsy values into native Booleans.
hasClass (Object elementString className): Boolean

Checks whether the component has the specified CSS class.

//find a component with aura:id="myCmp" in markup
var myCmp = component.find("myCmp");
$A.util.hasClass(myCmp, "myClass");
isArray (Object obj): Boolean

Checks whether the specified object is an array.

isEmpty (Object obj): Boolean

Checks whether the object is empty. An empty object's value is undefined, null, an empty array, or an empty string. An object with no native properties is not considered empty.

isObject (Object obj): Boolean

Checks whether the specified object is a valid object. A valid object is not a DOM element;  a native browser class (XMLHttpRequest) is not falsely; and it is not an array, error, function string, or number.

isUndefined (Object obj): Boolean

Checks whether the object is undefined.

toggleClass (Object: elementString className)

Checks whether the object is undefined or null.

isUndefinedOrNull (Object obj): Boolean

Removes a CSS class from a component.

removeClass (Object: elementString newClass)

Toggles (adds or removes) a CSS class from a component.

//find a component with aura:id="toggleMe" in markup
var toggleText = component.find("toggleMe");
$A.util.toggleClass(toggleText, "toggle");


The following is a simple application to create a toggle. Create a simple application and copy the following code, then click on the Toggle button to understand how a CSS class is added and removed.

The HideAndShowUpApp.app code is as follows:

<aura:application extends="force:slds">
<div class="spinner" aura:id="spinner">
<Lightning:spinner alternativeText="Loading" />
<Lightning:button label="Toggle" variant="brand" onclick="{! c.handleClick }" class="btn"/>

  The CSS-style code is as follows (for HideAndShowUpApp.css):

.THIS.spinner {
position: absolute;
display: inline-block;
width: 80px;
height: 80px;
margin :50px

.THIS.btn {
margin-top :150px;
margin-left :50px;

.THIS.toggle {
display: none;

The controller code is in the HideAndShowUpAppController.js file, as follows:

handleClick : function(component, event, helper) {
var spinnerComponent = component.find("spinner");
$A.util.toggleClass(spinnerComponent, "toggle");

Notice that the CSS class toggle has the display:none attribute, for CSS.

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