Lightning card base component

The Lightning card component displays a simple card. You can set the title, the footer, and the body. You can also add action buttons.

The code for the Lightning card component is as follow:

<Lightning:card footer="Card Footer" title="Hello">
<aura:set attribute="actions">
<Lightning:button label="Search"/>
<p class="slds-p-horizontal_small">
Card Body (custom component)

The following table contains more detailed descriptions of the attributes:

body component[] GLOBAL No

Inherited from aura:component.

The body of the component. In markup, this is everything in the body tag.
title object GLOBAL Yes

The title can include text or another component and is displayed in the header.

iconName string GLOBAL No

The Lightning design system name of the icon. Names are written in the format utility:down where utility is the category, and down is the specific icon to be displayed. The icon is displayed in the header to the left of the title.

actions component[] GLOBAL No

Actions are components such as button or buttonIcon. Actions are displayed in the header.

variant string GLOBAL No base

The variant changes the appearance of the card. Accepted variants include base or narrow. This value defaults to base.

class string GLOBAL No

A CSS class for the outer element, in addition to the component's base classes.

footer object GLOBAL No

The footer can include text or another component.

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