Understanding attributes

Let's understand value providers in Lightning Components, before diving deeper into attributes. Value providers hold data and provide a way to access that data. Lightning Components have two types of value providers out of the box. They are listed in the following table:

Value provider Description
v  (view)

This allows access to the value of the attribute in the Component Markup.

c  (controller)

This allows you to wire events and actions .


An attribute is a placeholder to hold data. You can treat attributes like Java variables. The following is the syntax to define attributes:

<aura:attribute name="searchString" type="String" default="lighnting components"/>

Name and data type are mandatory when defining attributes. An attribute can be one of the following types: primitive (string, integer, decimal, Boolean, double, date, dateTime), arrays (sets, list, maps), objects, custom Apex, functions, or Salesforce sobject. To explore more, head to the standard documentation at https://developer.Salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.Lightning.meta/Lightning/ref_aura_attribute.htm.

Use the Expression syntax to display a value from an attribute. The Expression syntax format is shown here:

<aura:attribute name="searchString" type="String" default="lighnting components"/>

For objects, use the "." notation to traverse properties. For arrays, use aura:iteration to loop over results.
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